7 Aastonishing Moments from VIKINGS ‘The Buddha’
The second half of Vikings Season five has left viewers reeling. Bishop Heathmond’s (Jonathan Rhys Meyers ) is dead. My beloved and revered Seer is murdered. Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick ) is mysteriously absent. Who can blame her for exiting stage left after such a shock? Things were shaky with the original shield maiden after the loss to Ivar (Alex Høgh Andersen ), but the double whammy of her lover paired with the embodiment of her faith clearly proved to be too much to bear.
This void, left everyone to fend for themselves with equally heart breaking and hysterical results. Below are the top seven astonishing moments from ‘The Buddha.’

1. Gunnhild’s Slap.
“I was just exercising my freedom.”
I do believe for Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig ) it was love at first strike. It takes a lot to get a son of Ragnar’s attention. The shield maiden’s outrageous actions immediately following her release fanned Bjorn’s mild spark of interest to a blaze in 2.5 seconds flat. Gunnhild and Bjorn compliment each other well.

2. Floki Being Floki
“Food!” I can’t remember the last time we were gifted with that glorious grin. If rancid meat did the trick, then who am I to judge? We are all just grateful to see even a glimmer of our old Floki (Gustaf Skarsgård ) back.

3. Ubbe’s Soil Moment
“Look at this treasure.”
Shadows of Ragnar remain yet still. Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith ) followed his own heart in choosing Christianity just as Bjorn refused. Both sons, each in their own way, honored their father in the doing. Seeing Ubbe’s hands reach into the dirt just as his father would have done struck a deep chord with us all. Ragnar, we miss you.

4. Ivar’s Contradiction Conversation
“Why so cynical dear Brother? You know I’ve often wondered if you weren’t a little crazy.”
Well, if anyone could benefit from some wisdom from the Buddha it’s Ivar! When Hivitserk (Marco Ilsø )decided to have a life talk with his boneless brother I was braced for a violent reaction. Ivar, true to form, turned the tables in grand style and acted as if he was the only sane one in the room. Problem is, he is so persuasive I almost believe him as well. Maybe he is a god.

5. Bjorn’s Choice
“We are all trying to defend Ragnar’s dream but perhaps some of us choose to do it differently.” It is difficult to look at Bjorn and not see Ragnar as well. The first born son channels his father on the regular, but tonight’s episode was special. Although he chafed at the choices of those he loved he offered them his unwavering support. He saw true as well that his place now lies on the throne in Kattegat.
God speed Bjorn. God speed.

6. Torvi’s Recognition
“I love our children and I will always make them proud of you.”
Torvi (Georgia Hirst ) carried on in silent support of Bjorn despite his abandonment. She stood by Lagerthas side no matter the circumstance and is the core of all that was Kattegat in this new land. It is fitting that Bjorn acknowledged that strength before his departure. That which yields is not always weak.

7. No One Puts Judith in the Corner
“Don’t interfere mother. Now go and make some stinking porridge to heal
my poor brother.”
Alfred may have forgiven Athelred (Darren Cahill ) for his betrayal, but Judith (Jennie Jacques ) damn well didn’t and I don’t blame her one bit. She was faced with a horrible choice of choosing between the son of her heart and the son of her marriage. Thankfully Athelred made the burden much easier with his bitter words. That’s one entitled royal who fully deserved his early demise.
Want More? Be sure to check out our tour of Vikings ‘The Seers Lair Experience” as well as their entire panel from San Diego Comic Con in 2018!
Join with us ( @nicegirlstv & @PxlWvr) as we live tweet during season. Check our interviews featuring Alex Høgh Andersen. For all our Vikings coverage click here!