22 Thoughts While Watching VIKINGS ‘What happens in the cave’
1.If Floki finds Smeagoul in that cave I’m gotta here!
2. Farewell Queen Judith.
3. WHOA! That’s SOME Guyliner! …Is Viking Darth Maul BEHIND YOU??
4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the backstory on Lagertha. This fills in some blanks.
Queens may come and go, but Lagertha IS CONSTANT.
5. Oh Ivar! NOW you decided to see the truth that the baby isn’t yours?? Too late, my friend.
6. COME ON UBBE! GET UP! Don’t go to the LIGHT!
7. I’m with Torvi. This is EXCRUCIATING to watch!
8. Damn it Ubbe!! LIVE!
9. #Viikings just ripped my heart out!
10. Here comes the blame game. Freydis Ivar bicker like spoiled children.
11. I warned you Ironside. AKA “I told you so!”
12. THAT Giggle is EVERYTHING!
13. Floki may have tripped the light fantastic. To have gone this far for his gods only to find the cross is TOO MUCH to bear!
14. Harald has HAD it with Bjorn. I think the last straw was the loss of the Shieldmaiden to Ragnar’s oldest son.
15. Bwhahaha! Speak of the devil! Way to go! The only thing that could have made that scene any better would have been a frying pan!
16. Oh Lagertha! My heart JUST BURST! Ragnar’s dream threads through it all.
17. Ragnar would be so damn PROUD.
18. I miss the Seer. He would know what to do!
19. Freydis and Ivar deserve one another.
20. Ivar should sleep with one eye open from here on out.
21. Ubbe comes back to his faith. He does look a bit like the All Father ODIN!
22. Welcome back Hvitserk! Let’s go get Kattegat!
Want More? Be sure to check out our tour of Vikings ‘The Seers Lair Experience” as well as their entire panel from San Diego Comic Con in 2018!
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