Take Two: Thoughts on “Death Becomes Him”
On Take Two this week, Eddie and Sam are approached by a terminally ill man (played by Castle’s Seamus Dever) who needs protection from the hitman that he himself hired to make his death look like an accident. Yep, this week’s ep was just as wacky as it sounds! Read on to find out what the Nice Girls thought…
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good Seamus! I do love him from all those years on Castle, and he’s great at being a slightly awkward guy who works too much and gets lost to his family. The plot had more than enough interesting twists (especially the whodunnit!) to keep me interested as Seamus’s character had to deal with so much.
The Bad I’m starting to really notice that it’s not filmed in LA. Why is it always raining in the show? We don’t have that much rain in LA! (It’s so obvious with that funeral I can’t even explain!)
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good I was excited that Seamus was going to be in the episode, as a big fan of Castle I literally squee’d when I saw him in the clip last week; but the combo of him AND Niall Matter – yes, thank you! Niall was a cast member on Eureka, has appeared in When Calls the Heart and several Hallmark Channel movies. I’m loving the guest stars they have gotten for this show. I did enjoy Sam’s “efforts” to get them out of that electrified cage.
The Bad As soon as Niall was introduced as Todd’s brother, the light bulb went off and I thought to myself, “what if he is gunning for his own brother,” and sure enough that happened. That part was just a bit disappointing for me.
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good Confession: I’ve never watched Castle so I had no idea what the fuss was about with Seamus being on the show BUT I really enjoyed this week’s episode! I thought the case was a really interesting one and the twists were great too and not too predictable. I also liked how resourceful Sam was in this episode – particularly when she and Eddie were trapped and he thought she was making moves on him but nope she was being smart and trying to find a unique way of getting them out of there. Ha!
The Bad I don’t think I really had one this episode. I feel like this was one of the stronger episodes so far this season!
TAKE TWO airs Thursday 8/7c on ABC