Take Two: Thoughts on “Ex’s and Oh’s”
On TAKE TWO this week, Sam is confronting her past when her ex boyfriend (the one that dumped her on live TV thus triggering her fall from grace and stint in rehab) comes to her for help when his laptop is stolen. As much as she wants to say no, there are some things on his laptop that affect her reputation as well. Here’s what we thought about this latest episode…
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good I really think this case was a good double mystery, with a believable fake out before we found out the truth. Sam’s ex made a compelling client, even if he’s a jerk for what prompted the investigation in the first place.
The Bad Drugs are tired, but I suppose they make sense for LA. The cast outside of the office was missed too! I like Eddie’s ex and his friend in security, but we only seem to get one of them a week.
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good Greyston Holt! He played Sam’s ex-fiancee, and I adore Greyston. I’ve seen him in SO many TV shows and made-for-TV movies, and was SO happy to see him in this episode. Story wise I continue to find the scenes between Monica and Berto VERY entertaining. PS: I squee’d like a teenager when they showed clips for next week that Seamus Dever (from Castle) will be in the episode. YES!!
The Bad Really, no Jordan Gavaris again!! I might be a broken record about this, but I REALLY enjoyed seeing him in the first two episodes and was so bummed that he wasn’t in this one. C’mon!! Story wise: Another sex tape, really? Can’t those go out of style like leg warmers or something?! And, I could’ve done without the whole drugs/DEA case, but I guess there had to be more of a reason for the laptop to be stolen than just a sex tape.
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good Monica and Berto for sure – always love their scenes together. Eddie looking out for Sam by taking the case and also warning off Dylan was sweet too.
The Bad I have to say, I didn’t love this episode and it’s probably my least favorite so far – sex tape scandal, drugs and DEA getting involved, potentially shady ex – too many cliches for me. I also miss Jordan Gavaris’ ME. I know we can’t have a death every case but his character just adds to the show and I already miss him.
TAKE TWO is switching to a new time slot and will air Thursday 8/7c on ABC.