Nice Girls Posts

Women of the Week

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Our latest choices for Women of the Week were pretty unanimous among the Nice Girls. Read on to find out who we rated and why…

Nominated by Roz: Karen David as young Agent Christopher on Timeless

Young Agent Christopher from Timeless! She was put in quite a spot as Rittenhouse wanted to kill her to stop the Time Team, but she learned so much about herself as Lucy and Jiya tried to get her on the right path. Not only did she have to wrestle with the idea of time travel, but of her family’s expectations versus her desires.

Seconded by Rueben:

I second Roz !!

Thirded by Karen:

Karen David played the young Officer Christopher/Dhriti Sirivastava. She played her part with amazing authenticity. I believed she was channelling Sakina for the whole episode, and on top of that, she handled issues of heritage, identity, and ostracization with ease. Just brilliant.

Also nominated by Karen: Sakina Jaffrey as Agent Denise Christopher on Timeless

Both actresses who played Denise Christopher were amazing. Sakina Jaffrey as “our” Agent Christopher; she was dealing with the helplessness of facing her erasure from the timeline, while dealing with Flynn back at the bunker. He prodded her to confront the issue of disappearing, and she had some deep discussions with the man she once considered her mortal enemy.

Ange is the Girl from Oz who travelled the States. Teen dramas, rom-comedies and superhero shows are her weakness. She also loves a good crime and medical drama and probably watches more TV than she can handle... You can contact her at