ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “The Parent Trap” (3×17) & CHICAGO FIRE “The Strongest Among Us” (6×20) recap
What dramas the leading ladies of CHICAGO MED and CHICAGO FIRE face this week? Read on to find out what happened in the ONE CHICAGO world…
Sharon Goodwin:
When Goodwin once again prioritizes patient well-being over making money, the board is not impressed and reprimands her for not making decisions that are in the “hospital’s best interest”. We’ve seen her defy the board all season, heck even all series but could they finally be fed up and seek to have her fired? We sure hope not!
Maggie Lockwood:
We all know Maggie is smart and sees all, so of course she notices the tension between Manning and Halstead and casually asks Manning what’s going on. The doctor denies that there’s any dramas, to which the charge nurse replies good and assigns the two doctors together on a case. We see what you did there Maggie, ha ha! When it looks like there was a fentanyl contamination in the hospital, Maggie’s in charge of making sure the paramedics change clothes as a precaution much to their displeasure.
Dr Natalie Manning:
Yep, Nat is still pretty pissed at Halstead following his revelation at the end of last episode that he almost hooked up with someone else because he thought he and Nat were on a break. These tensions aren’t helped when they have to work together to treat a young boy whose parents are convinced that he has Pandas syndrome after being advised by another doctor and now the parents don’t trust Nat and Halstead when they try to tell the parents otherwise. Nat plays along with the parents, trying to buy herself and Halstead time so that the parents don’t leave Med like they threaten to do. Halstead is frustrated that Nat is not backing up his opinion and accuses her of enabling the parents and then later snaps that she thinks she’s so perfect and above everyone else. While in the bathroom, Nat notices that the child’s mother has OCD and concludes that the child’s condition is due to a genetic condition and that she and Halstead were right. At the end of the episode, she admits to Halstead that she is far from perfect and has insecurities about who she is as a doctor, mother and woman and while it seems like things are less frosty between the pair, she can’t quite yet forgive him for his indiscretion while they were apart. He may not have slept with the woman but the intent was there and it hurts.
April Sexton:
Once again April is the voice of reason trying to get Choi to go easy on his sister, first when she’s late returning his car and second when Emily interferes with a case. On the work side of things, April is working with her brother this episode treating a man who appears to have been taking opioids, in particular fentanyl. When the man’s daughter gets frustrated at Noah’s diagnosis and demands he do more tests, April tries to diffuse the situation while sticking up for her brother. It turns out the man was not doing drugs but he did come into contact with them when he was feeding some stray cats. Sadly the man dies and the siblings share a moment where Noah tells April that when the time comes to say goodbye to their own parents, he’s grateful that he’ll have there by his side and won’t have to deal with it alone like the man’s daughter.
Dr Sarah Reese:
Things aren’t looking good for Reese’s dad, so much so that Dr Rhodes advises her that if she wants to say her goodbyes she might want to do it pronto. She politely declines and continues to focus on work. Not the response Rhodes was expecting and even Dr Charles tries to give her advice but Reese still continues to avoid seeing her father. In true Med fashion, it take observing a case at the hospital to give Reese the nudge she needs to go and see her dad, but unfortunately even then it’s not a pleasant experience with her father telling her that she has a personality disorder. Wow, right? Father of the year much? In the end though, Reese’s dad ends up getting a last minute transplant thanks to Dr Rhodes so I guess we’ll see where this leads the estranged father and daughter once he has recovered in the coming weeks.
Gabriela Dawson:
Remember Bria? Dawson is concerned when they’re playing phone tag and she can’t get a hold of the teen and it’s not looking too good when Bria’s dad turns up at the firehouse. Thankfully Bria isn’t in danger, but she does need help preparing for her prom that is coming up in a few days. Dawson relishes at the opportunity to play fairy godmother and at the end of the episode after seeing Bria and her date off in Truck 81, Dawson tells Casey that she wants to start trying for a baby.
Sylvie Brett:
Brett pops up in this week’s Med and then on Fire she’s pretty concerned about her roommate and ex Cruz reconnecting with his high school sweetheart who is back in town and also happens to be married. After spending most of the episode biting her tongue as Joe raved and about how good he and his sweetheart were together, Brett is relieved when Cruz comes to her for advice since she is the angel on his shoulder and she doesn’t hesitate to tell him what a great guy he is and how he deserves better than messing around with a married woman. Not only is Cruz surprised by how strongly Brett feels about the situation but she seems to have surprised herself too!

Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd, Yuri Sardarov as Otis — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd:
Otis has been cleared for duty and is back on Truck, but Kidd who has been enjoying driving the truck in his absence would like to continue doing so. Captain Casey proposes a challenge between the two colleagues to determine who is the better driver. That Firehouse 51 competitive spirit that we all know and love is in full force this episode! In the end it looks like Kidd is the clear winner, but before Casey can make the announcement she pulls Otis aside and asks him how much does the gig mean to him and bribes him to do her firehouse chores and take her Saturday shifts at Molly’s in order for her to draw out of the race. He agrees and so she does. Casey congratulates her on being sneaky enough to rig this whole situation to get Otis to do her chores, which she doesn’t deny but also tells Casey that it was also her way of getting the other firefighters to treat Otis normally rather than coddling him. Well played Kidd, well played!
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, CHICAGO P.D. Wednesdays at 10/9c and CHICAGO FIRE Thursdays at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Devil in Disguise” (3×15), CHICAGO P.D. “Payback” (5×19) & CHICAGO FIRE “When They See Us Coming” (6×18) recap
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