ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Devil in Disguise” (3×15), CHICAGO P.D. “Payback” (5×19) & CHICAGO FIRE “When They See Us Coming” (6×18) recap
This past week we saw a full roster of fresh ONE CHICAGO episodes, which meant an appearance from all of the franchise’s current leading ladies – yes, that even includes this season’s grossly underused Platt on P.D. Read on to find out what went down with the leading ladies of CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO P.D. and CHICAGO FIRE this past week…
Sharon Goodwin:
This week Goodwin had her hands full with dealing with the aftermath of Maggie’s suspension and trying to get her reinstated. Together with the hospital attorney, Goodwin informs Maggie that they may have found a loophole to get her out of trouble. Maggie has a paramedic license so they can argue she was acting as a paramedic rather than a nurse and therefore not doing anything illegal. In the end, it ends up being much simpler than that when the patient’s family decide they don’t want to take any action against the hospital and actually argue on Maggie’s behalf that she saved the patient’s life.
Maggie Lockwood:
She may be suspended but that doesn’t stop Maggie from checking in on her patients and making sure they’re being well looked after. There’s a reason why she’s the charge nurse – she cares and knows all the little details about the patients that some of the other staff don’t know so the regular patients are pulling for her to be back on the job soon. After a meeting with Goodwin and the hospital attorney, Maggie is relieved that she could be back at work soon, provided she finds her paramedic license. She does but didn’t realize that it expired two weeks ago. Desperate times call for desperate measures and after a pep talk from a patient, she goes to see her ex who knows people and against her better judgement, asks him to put in a call and see if they can backdate a new license for her. Considering how hard she was on him for not being honest, this is a hard thing for Maggie to do. Barry comes through and Maggie rushes to her meeting only to find it wrapped up – Goodwin informs her that there’ll be no charges laid against her and that they don’t need the license. While relieved that she didn’t have to show the doctored license, knowing what she did doesn’t sit well with her – something that she admits to Barry before going out to dinner with him as a thank you.
Dr Natalie Manning:
Speaking of dramas from last week, the break that Manning and Halstead are on is still a thing this week with her trying to avoid him and him trying to talk to her. After spending most of the episode brushing him, she tells him she still needs space. He’s obviously disappointed and we’re a bit concerned when the episode ends with him drinking at Molly’s and a fellow female doctor coming up to sit beside him and buy him a drink. Don’t be stupid, Halstead! On the professional side of things, Nat’s pretty upset when Dr Latham and his team tell parents of conjoined twins that they can save one twin but not the other. Nat pleads with Rhodes to do something and while at first he backs his team’s decision publicly (even though he disagrees), he has a change of heart and goes ahead with his original intention and it saves both babies but his other colleagues are not impressed.
April Sexton:
April and Dr Choi are playfully bantering on their way to work when they’re greeted by Choi’s sister, Emily. She’s been evicted and needs a place to crash. He refuses to let her stay at his place but April pulls him aside and talks him into it. He warns his sister no guests though. At the end of the day the pair arrive back at his apartment and he is surprised to find the place clean and she’s even cooked dinner for the pair. April tells her to join them and Choi back her. Before they eat, April goes into the bathroom and finds an ashtray of used cigarettes in there and calls Emily into the room and she begs April not to tell Choi and that it will never happen again. April agrees to keep quiet but it’s clear she feels uncomfortable about lying. We’re pretty sure this is going to come back to bite her…
Dr Sarah Reese:
Reese’s day begins with her father paying her a visit at work and pretty much her that he’s cutting ties with her again and she won’t have to deal with him anymore (it’s some warped twisted way of him proving to Dr Charles that he’s self sufficient). Reese is pretty stunned and Dr Charles is concerned but before they can react, Dr Choi asks them to consult on a case of a young woman who is apparently possessed. Dr Charles offers for her to sit this one out but Reese is all business despite the parallels to her own life (minus the whole possession thing of course). The patient’s parents are divorced and the father has been absent from the daughter’s life up until the past year and he seems to think his ex is crazy as she is convinced their daughter is possessed. Later when Reese and Charles go to see the patient and she is incoherently mumbling, Charles realizes that the seemingly jibberish is actually a Lewish Carroll poem and that the woman is sufferring from dissociative repression. When he sits the parents down, the father is oddly defensive and then they realize he molested his daughter as a child. He leaves the room and Reese follows him and rips into him about how he could do that to his own daughter.
Kim Burgess:
It’s pretty much the guys in focus this week with Ruzek dealing with a suspicious CI and then Voight and Olinsky trying to work out all their dramas so there’s not much of Burgess this week apart from Intelligence working the case of someone ripping off stash houses which unfortunately resulted in an innocent 10-year-old boy being killed in the crossfire.
Hailey Upton:
Again like Burgess, not much of Upton this week with the focus being on the guys, but Upton does find evidence that two suspects they have in custody early on in the case can’t be their guys because their alibis check out.
Trudy Platt:
In a rare turn of events, we actually get two scenes featuring Platt in the latest P.D. First up, she pops into the bullpen to tell Intelligence that she spoke to the young boy’s mother and the two guys they have in custody are probably not their guys as the mother could not ID them. Then towards the end of the episode she goes to see Voight in his office and tells him she noticed that Olinsky’s pension was flagged with the commander (as they suspected it would) and wants to know what is going on. Voight says he can’t tell her and she’s clearly disappointed that he doesn’t trust her enough to let her in on what’s going on. To be fair, the rest of Intelligence also have no idea what’s happening.
Gabriela Dawson:
Dawson has been on her best behavior trying to make it up to Casey following the revelation that she and new guy Cordova were once a thing. She’s being agreeable and buying him a new hockey stick, things that don’t go unnoticed by Casey and Brett. Things seem to be okay with her and Casey but the same can’t be said for her and Cordova. Brett notices his lingering looks but Dawson brushes it off and says she’s married and that Brett is just imagining things. When Cordova apologizes to Dawson for any awkwardness that he may have caused between the married couple, she tells him it’s fine as after all what they had meant nothing. Cue awkwardness when Cordova tells her it meant something to him. Looks like Brett wasn’t imagining things after all…
Sylvie Brett:
Brett and Dawson are discussing the Cordova situation when speak of the devil he appears in the locker room in a towel. Brett asks Dawson what he’s like and she says she doesn’t kiss and tell. We know Brett’s hurting from the whole Antonio thing but personally we’d advise her against going after Cordova. At the end of the episode they’re having a drink and chatting at Molly’s but we’re sure she noticed him sneaking looks at Dawson and that could be why she excused herself when she saw Cruz enter the bar. Brett was a pretty supportive roommate and friend to Cruz while he was concerned about the young teen he promised to help in this episode.

Pictured: (l-r) David Eigenberg as Christopher Herrmann, Miranda Rae Mayo Stella Kidd — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Stella Kidd:
Kidd’s trying to be a supportive girlfriend to Severide following last week’s revelation that his parents are getting back together and apparently that includes an awkward breakfast with the Severide family. Mama and Papa Severide try to make dinner plans but their son makes excuses, putting Kidd in an awkward position as they leave when Severide’s mom asks her to try and convince him to change his mind. She won’t have much of a chance to do that at work though because Firehouse 51 has temporarily been taken over by FBI and the team are to keep a low profile and minimize action. We (and we’re sure Kidd too) can’t help but notice one of the female agents hanging around Severide a lot. Severide actually ends up going undercover to help them out and after a close call and long day, he and Kidd are looking forward to going home and enjoying some quiet time while his parents are out together…except they’re not. His mom is at their apartment and packing up her things as it seems like Severide’s warnings to his dad got through to him and his dad calls things off with his mom. Awkward.
CHICAGO MED airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, CHICAGO P.D. Wednesdays at 10/9c and CHICAGO FIRE Thursdays at 10/9c. All three shows air on NBC.
ONE CHICAGO Women: CHICAGO MED “Lock It Down” (3×14) & CHICAGO FIRE “Put White One Me” (6×17) recap
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