ONE CHICAGO Women: Chicago P.D. 4×11 & Chicago Med 2×10 recap
Blasts from the past seem to be the theme this week in the ONE CHICAGO world. Read on to find out what went on with the leading ladies of Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med. (There was no Chicago Fire this week due to Obama’s farewell address.)
Sylvie Brett: Although there was no Fire this week, Brett pops up on Med to bring in Dr Rhodes’ heart transplant patient from last week after she and her daughter are involved in an accident.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Don’t Read The News” Episode 410 — Pictured: Sophia Bush as Erin Lindsay — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Erin Lindsay: Remember when Lindsay told Halstead that if her happy family scenario was all one big fantasy she wanted to live in it a little while longer? Well, swiping your girlfriend’s recently returned daddy’s saliva to do a DNA test is probably not the best thing to do if you want to keep up that fantasy. When the results come back and show that Jimmy is not Lindsay’s biological father (see, I knew we couldn’t trust Bunny!), she gets mad at Halstead and tells Voight that she needs to take a personal day before going to confront her mother. As expected, it does not go well and ends with Lindsay causing a scene at the diner smashing things off the table, screaming and storming out. Later when she goes to break the news to Jimmy, he accuses her and her mother of being con artists and warns her to stay away from him. It’s a very different tune to the one he was playing at the start of the ep when he showed up at the precinct with a photo album of young Erin. While Lindsay seemingly forgives Halstead, at the end of the episode she is catching up with old friend Annie who tells her that she’ll never really be free of her past until she leaves Chicago and what is really keeping her there. DON’T DO IT ERIN!

CHICAGO P.D. — “You Wish” Episode 411 — Pictured: Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Kim Burgess: For this week’s case Burgess is already on the scene when Voight arrives and reveals to him that they’re looking at a potential hate crime because – wait for it – the victim had a severed penis! Their investigation leads them to a young woman whom Burgess ends up chasing down before she and Olinksy bring the girl in. When Voight asks Olinsky to join him in the interrogation room, Olinsky suggests that Burgess give it a go instead. I feel like it was a bit of an eye-opening experience for Burgess as she tried to play good cop and bond with the suspect only to discover the suspect lied and also harbors some resentment at CPD. Burgess however believes she is innocent and is proven correct at the end of the episode. It seems that as a result, she’s gaining a bit more of Olinsky’s respect. Burgess gives her card to the young woman before she is released, offerring her help and support whenever she needs. It kind of reminds me of the Lindsay and Nadia situation back in the days of season one.

CHICAGO MED — “Heart Matters” Episode 210 — Pictured: Amy Morton as Trudy Platt — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Trudy Platt: Platt pops up more on Med this week than on P.D., supporting a colleague whose wife (and fellow cop) dies in a freak accident and is pronounced brain dead. The victim happens to be the cop that arrested Med‘s Maggie last season and so Platt requests that Maggie be taken off the case and when Dr Choi refuses, being the fierce lioness that she is, Platt threatens to go above him. She later tells Maggie that it’s nothing personal, she’s just looking out for her own in this devastating situtation. On P.D., the tough desk sergeant is surprised (and skeptical) when Lindsay’s biological father shows up at the precinct. She also witnesses a heated showdown between Bunny and Voight in the foyer.
Sharon Goodwin: This week Sharon has her hands full with taking Maggie off the Kate Windham case and then sitting in on a committee meeting after a heart transplant recipient relapsed before she was due to receive a heart. Tough decisions had to be made but thankfully things worked themselves out.

CHICAGO MED — “Heart Matters” Episode 210 — Pictured: (l-r) S. Epatha Merkerson as Sharon Goodwin, Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Maggie Lockwood: Remember the officer who arrested Maggie for obstructing an investigation last season? Maggie is stunned when Officer Kate Windham is brought in as a patient after being crushed by her car while going to get the mail. It isn’t before long that Officer Windham’s husband realises that Maggie is “the nurse from last year”, and while her colleagues are worried that there is bad blood between the two, Maggie insists she can handle it and be professional. Sadly Officer Windham is braindead and when it is revealed that she is an organ donor, Maggie gets straight to work, looking into potential donors and organising transplants. That is until she is pulled off the case because the situation is too delicate due to the history and April is asked to take over. Upset that this is her responsibility yet she’s not allowed to do anything, Maggie tries to guide April but her colleague gently tells her that she knows what she’s doing and has it handled. When April is not around, Maggie ends up helping Officer Windham’s husband and it sets the pair on the path to closure and understanding. By the episode’s end, Maggie is reinstated and as Officer Windham’s heart is being transplanted to another patient, CPD officers line the hallways of Med as a mark of respect and Maggie presents Lt Windham with a blanket honoring his late wife.

CHICAGO MED — “Heart Matters” Episode 210 — Pictured: Torrey DeVitto as Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Dr. Natalie Manning: I would not want to be in Nat’s shoes this week. After the death of her patient last week, she now has to relive all that again this week thanks to the Morbidity and Mortality presentation. While she has Dr Halstead sitting in and lending his support, Dr Stohl is very hard on her, intensely questioning all the decisions she made. While Nat handles herself well, it goes down the drain, when med student Clarke drops in and is quick to defend her against Stohl and in front of all their colleagues. Needless to say, Nat isn’t very happy with Clarke’s white knight moment and gets into yet another argument with him. It doesn’t help that when the review resumes, Dr Stohl makes a remark to the room that it is ill-advised that residents date med students. Ouch. However, after the presentation Dr Halstead tells Nat that although Clarke was out of line to speak at the presentation, he is in her corner. This prompts her to go a bit easier on Clarke and ask him out for drinks after work, but just when you think all is good between them, she breaks up with him. We wonder if Halstead factored into this decision at all…

CHICAGO MED — “Heart Matters” Episode 210 — Pictured: Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
April Sexton: You could have cut the tension between April and Tate with a knife at the end of last week’s episode. Thankfully things are better this week when scans show that their baby is growing and at a more healthier size and therefore April’s TB meds aren’t affecting the baby. But then Tate just has to go and suggest that maybe April should take time off work until the baby is born and while the discussion doesn’t quite continue in this episode, I’m pretty sure his request is going to cause dramas between the two in the future. On the professional side of things, April steps up and temporarily takes over some of Maggie’s duties when a conflict of interest occurs.
Dr. Sarah Reese: Poor Reese can barely keep her eyes open no thanks to the neuro rotation she is doing with a doctor who doesn’t care if his doctors are doing too many hours – in fact he favors those who do 80+ hours. Reese’s boyfriend Joey gives her espresso beans to chew to help her get through the day. I really hope they’re harmless and that this doesn’t turn into a thing…

CHICAGO MED — “Heart Matters” Episode 210 — Pictured: Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Shout Out of the Week: This week I’m giving it to Med‘s Maggie. It couldn’t have been easy seeing Officer Windham again and then just wanting to be a professional and go about doing your job despite everyone doubting whether you can handle, which is ultimately a stab at your professionalism – that’s rough. Yet Maggie handled it with such grace and we’re glad to see she got closure in the end and was also reinstated back on the case.
Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10/9c, Chicago P.D. airs Wednesdays at 10/9c and Chicago Med airs Thursdays at 9/8c. Chicago Justice will premiere Sunday March 5 at 9/8c. All four shows air on NBC.
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