LUCIFER: “Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire” Roundtable
After a one week hiatus for the Presidential debate, Lucifer returned with some answers about what Mum is doing on Earth, a bit more insight into what’s happening with Amenadiel, and our first scene with Trixie (aka “offspring”) this season. Here’s what the Nice Girls thought about “Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire”.
Case of the week – did you care at all?
Leah: I have to be honest – I rarely care about the case.
Mynda: The case was only the framework around Mama Morningstar.
Lisa: I am with Leah 100% on this. I rarely care about the case.
Melissa: It was interesting inasmuch as it let Lucifer work through some of his mistrust of Charlotte. And I am glad that they figured out who was trying to kill her, and why, because that would’ve been a pretty big plot hole. So, yeah, it served its purpose.
Karen: I loved them last season, especially the episode where Colman Domingo guest starred, but this season the “PR(oh)otW” (prospective resident (of hell) of the week) isn’t nearly as good while Luc is paranoid about his mum.
Let’s discuss the Lucifer/Charlotte dynamic. We got a healthy dose of the two of them in this episode; is it working for you?
Leah: I like the dynamic – Lucifer acting like a hurt child and being equally annoyed that his Mom is hot is very interesting. Charlotte talking about her human skin sack – also pretty amusing. Together those two things work.
Mynda: The two are appropriately awkward and intense at the same moment. I like it!
Lisa: I like it! It’s weird seeing Tricia Helfer as his mom because she looks like one of his conquests but I’ll get used to it. They are pretty good together.
Melissa: They are amazing! Lucifer’s childish reaction to his Mum’s hotness on Earth was hilarious, while her attempts at making amends were endearing. So far Tricia Helfer is seamlessly melding with the cast; can’t wait to see her interact with Chloe, Dr. Linda, Ella, etc. (OMG! What if Ella figures out who Charlotte really is?!?)
Karen: I love it! The squidge factor is off the charts. At some point she’s going to cougar on someone his age, and he’s going to really need Doctor Linda.
Mum/Charlotte finally told Lucifer the truth about why he was cast out of Heaven…or did she? Do you believe her story that she did it to protect him?
Leah: I want to believe her, but I don’t. That would be too easy.
Mynda: Based on her heavenward gaze at the end of the episode, I’d say, no. Mommy Morningstar is up to no good!
Lisa: No way in hell (see what I did there 😀)! I don’t believe her at all. Mama is up to no good.
Melissa: I think I believe her, but I also believe that she has an ulterior motive for telling Lucifer her version of the truth after so long. That smirk up toward the heavens was so provocative and promised plenty of drama to come. Can’t wait!
Karen: Oh please. Did you see that look at the end? She was giving hubs the big-time shade. Escaping Hell was a chess move, and she’s getting back at her old man – and perhaps even her sons as well.
What do you make of Amenadiel’s final scene? First his powers start to decline, now his wings are molting. What’s going on?
Leah: Amenadiel didn’t even show up when Lucifer prayed. Sex with a demon is really a power suck. Or maybe it is the lying and deceit he used to try to get Lucifer back to Hell. Lucifer is the Devil, he lies and is deceitful, Amenadiel is not the Devil, he is just filling in. Probably not a good way to stay a righteous Angel.
Mynda: I feel it somehow all ties back to his liaison with Maze. No matter what the reason D. B. Woodside was brilliant in his portrayal of Amenadiel. His anguish made my heart bleed! Well done!
Lisa: Yeah, he’s definitely paying for his actions. But I agree with Mynda. D.B. Woodside gave a great performance. So good!
Melissa: I agree, this has to go back to his night with Maze. Whether that was the final straw or the catalyst, I’m not sure, but he seems to be losing his powers in a way that Lucifer did not, so clearly something about his actions is anathema to who he’s supposed to be. My question is, can Mama Morningstar fix it?
Karen: I’ve turned around on him so quickly. I loved his character, but hated his actions last season. Now I really feel for him. Seeing his wings in tatters almost brought tears to my eyes. He was in such agony. And the talk with Linda… he needs a friend, and seeing him want to connect with a “normal” person was even more wrenching when you reflect on it after seeing the ending.
Who’s your MVP for this episode?
Leah: I’m going with Amenadiel. He wasn’t in a ton of the episode, but the parts he was in he was brilliant.
Mynda: Hands down. D. B. Woodside for his sincere apology to Dr. Linda and his despair over his dying wings.
Lisa: 90% of the time my answer is Luci, but not this time. Amenadiel for the win! He blew me away this week.
Melissa: As much fun as it was to watch Lucifer and Charlotte become reacquainted, I have to agree – D.B. Woodside was the man of the hour this week.
Karen: DB Woodside for sure. I had all the feels for him. Tricia Helfer gets an honorable mention for that last little look at the camera before the fade to black.
Favorite line/scene?
Leah: I don’t know what it was exactly about the line, “We were completely monogamous, she didn’t even sleep with her own husband”, but it cracked me up. The straight face delivery and the look of shock on Lucifer and Chloe’s face.
Mynda: Three way tie between Dr. Linda’s admonishment of Amenadiel, Amenadiel’s winged grief and Mama Morningstar’s macaroni moment!
Lisa: I thought it was pretty funny when Mama Morningstar stripped down and Lucifer was completely grossed out. Seeing him get flustered really cracked me up.
Melissa: Ella: “I’ve known a lot of men with small hands.” Lucifer: “Like Dan?”
Karen: Okay, that doll… Trixie is twisted! I love it. Was she channeling Sid from Toy Story?