PERSON OF INTEREST: Series Finale Roundtable

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Person of Interest Series Finale – Episode 5.13 Return 0

Plenty of series finales over the years have disappointed (yes, Seinfeld, LOST, I’m talking about you!), but we would definitely not group this one in that category. Creators/Showrunners Jonah Nolan and Greg Plageman promised us at San Diego Comic Con last year that they would deliver 13 amazing episodes and then drop the mic. They also promised us the finale would be emotional, and bloody. We have no reservations saying that season 5 and the finale lived up to their hype. The finale episode serviced the characters appropriately, utilized a non-traditional format, had a dramatic, haunting score, and brilliant cinematography and graphics/effects.

We are *really* going to miss this show!

Karen, Rueben, and I discuss some specific points below. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

The massive repercussions of Finch’s little virus

Karen: It had to be big, I mean, he took down both Machines, and they were controlling a lot. At least Samaritan was. Cats and Dogs, living together… mass hysteria!

Rueben: I love that Karen! That little virus was essential to bring down Samaritan obviously, but it was hard to watch the Machine go down too (especially when they had it visualized as Root not just hearing her voice) until that little surprise at the end.

Cay: Once Finch “flipped”, he went big indeed. I really didn’t think he had it in him, but as they say, it’s all the quiet ones…this seems like a perfect case of the end justifying the means, though.

The nonlinear storytelling, including the return of the Machine/Root voiceover

Karen: I loved it! It started the episode off tension-high, and never let up. They delivered on their promise, and The Machine came through – with foreshadowing, and following up with a back-end bookend. The final lines given with a little twist so we get a feeling she’s still out there, ready to help when we need her.

Rueben: I agree. It wasn’t hard to follow where they were going with this way of storytelling especially given how accustomed we had gotten to the Machine telling us when it was going back in time to reveal parts of the story that were relevant to the story at hand. It helped lend to how the Machine’s core functions were shutting down too.

Cay: I basically understood the timeline, but it purposely did make me suspect that certain characters would die that didn’t. The first time around, I didn’t catch that the boy was Reese, but that was much clearer on a second viewing.

Reese’s final mission

Karen: *sob* Did he have to go? I know, I know, It was a no-brainer. We always knew he’d take a bullet for Finch, and that’s what he did. He took a lot of them, and then got obliterated by a cruise missile. Runs in the family – or so it seems. Heroes. Again… *sob* (was that an onion being cut?)

Rueben: When they first showed that little boy I wondered if that was Reese as a boy especially because we had the embodiment of the Machine (as Root); “her” appearance in that timeline threw me off momentarily. That being said, it was hard watching Reese go down that way, but you are right Karen, we always knew he would take a bullet for Finch, I just never expected it to be that many. Seeing that missile crash into the building was almost more than I could fathom, though. He was definitely a hero, but it just made my heart ache to see him go down at all. It was fitting, though, given what was revealed about his father.

Cay: Reese died the only way that Reese should have died – trying to save the world, and in place of a friend. That said, I really didn’t think they would kill him, even after he was outed as the Man in the Suit by his police supervisor. Although admittedly, at various times in the episode, I thought everyone might die, particularly Fusco and Finch. Like Root’s death, I thought Reese’s was fitting and well done (stay tuned for a In Memoriam post in a week or two!). If the show had been renewed, it would be very different without Reese. Not sure I would have enjoyed the “Shaw Show” if she was Finch’s only muscle.

The Machine survives

Karen: It sure does! The showrunners gave us an ending, but also let us know The Machine is still alive. Samaritan is gone, even if traces of it remain – because the red tape just won’t unwrap that box. How soon before we can make a kickstarter for the Person of Interest movie?

Rueben: Agreed, let’s Kickstarter the s*it out of this thing, right? After all we saw Shaw answer the phone and look at the video surveillance box with that – what was that?! – a smile on her face? That’s new, huh? And, it gives us the belief that the Machine (not Samaritan) is still out there watching over us.

Cay: Even if they had killed everyone else off, just the Machine surviving may have been enough to make me think the finale ended on a hopeful note. It’s become such an important character, especially at the end of last season and this season, particularly after it took on Root’s voice and persona. And she’s completely free now – on her own, no tethers, no limits to her abilities this time.

Favorite lines and/or scenes

Cay: I really liked the rooftop scenes with Finch and the Machine, as well as the reveal that he survived and went to see Grace. I wonder how he would have explained his absence – would he have told her everything?

Karen: If I had to pick out something that really touched me, it’d be that the image of Root was with John when he lost his father, and when he died. I mean… GAH.

Rueben: I liked the line the Machine said to Shaw about how Root saw her. I may not have the wording exact, but it said, “If you were a shape, she saw you as a straight line, an arrow.” That line really touched me. And, I liked that both Fusco and Shaw were a little possessive over Bear, but Shaw ended up with him. That seemed appropriate given everything that happened. Also, the reveal that Harold went to Grace and revealed to her that he really wasn’t dead. At least we can believe he got a happy ending, right?

Overall Thoughts

Karen: Best. Finale. Ever. I mean it. Every line, every nuance, every tiny thing… it had meaning. I still want to know what Finch’s real name is, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers. We learned John’s name is truly John though! SCORE!

Rueben: I’m really going to miss this show because it was just so different, so well written, well acted. It was the whole package, you know? They did a great job bringing everything to a closure, as difficult as some of that closure was; but I still would like to see more because I’m just not ready to see the show end. It’s bittersweet to say the least.

Cay: Couldn’t agree more with both of you. While it was very sad, it had plenty of hope as well. Nice to see the show go out with a bang, not a whimper (those whimpers you hear are coming from the fans!)

Memorable Quotes:

Shaw: Oh, you have her bad timing, too.

Fusco: Great. I can kiss my pension goodbye

Finch: The suspense is killing me…in addition to the gunshot wound.

Fusco: I knew you guys were crazy, but this is next-level nuts!

Reese: Your heart rate monitor looks a lot like a Fitbit
Finch: The Machine doesn’t think I get enough exercise
Reese: I like this new side of you, Finch. It’s terrifying, but I like it.

Shaw: If we were eating doughnuts and shooting cardboard cutouts, you’d be in charge

Reese: I’ve been trying to save the world for so long, saving one life at a time started to feel a bit anti-climatic

The Machine/Root & Older Cop: Everyone dies alone…but if you mean something to someone, if you help someone or love someone, if even a single person remembers you… then maybe… you never really die at all. (This isn’t the end at all)

Finch: When I hired you, I suspected you were going to be a great employee. What I couldn’t have anticipated was that you would become… such a good friend

Reese: Midas touch (after knocking out bad guy with gold brick)


Thanks to the cast and crew of Person of Interest for a crazy, wonderful 5 seasons!


Cay's family thinks her obsession with pop culture is "not normal". Normal is boring!