Nice Boy of the Week: Tom Ellis (aka our #futurefakehusband)
What Mel Says:
When the Nice Girls were in San Diego for Comic Con last July, one of my “musts” was seeing the panel for the upcoming FOX series Lucifer. I have no particular affinity for comic books or graphic novels, and while the premise of the series piqued my interest, I wasn’t chomping at the bit to see how Lucifer enjoyed his vacation to Los Angeles. No, the sole reason I wanted to be in that panel was the man playing Lucifer, Tom Ellis.
I’ve been a Tom Ellis fan since watching him play the object of Miranda Hart’s affection in the delightful British sitcom Miranda. On a show full of outrageous comedy, Tom managed to both ground the hilarity and join in with apparent glee. That skill is on full display with Lucifer, a surprisingly funny cop-show-with-a-twist.
So, attending the Lucifer panel was a must, especially since I had a conflict and couldn’t assign myself to cover the press room (alas, being Editor in Chief does not give me the power to rearrange network schedules). I dragged Nice Girl Leah and Nice Girl Adjacent Stacey along with me, the former to prepare her for covering the press room and the latter anticipating a brief rest during a busy day. I told them they’d be smitten. I warned them that I saw Tom first and had prior claim. They gave me that half-condescending, half-disbelieving look that the unenlightened sport when we talk about our favorite people, places, and things.
Fast forward 10 minutes into the pilot, and we’re all fighting over Tom Ellis.
My prior claim was dismissed without preamble. There was a rapid re-ranking of Freebie Fives. Groans were heard when FOX announced that Lucifer wouldn’t premiere until mid-season. After the pilot screening, the cast and creative team appeared for a Q&A, during which we continued to be charmed by Tom and his devilish wit.
And we weren’t the only ones thus affected. The entire room appeared to enjoy the pilot and the cast (while Tom is tops, we were also tremendously impressed by Lauren German, the female lead, along with much of the supporting cast).
This would have all blown over, an amusing anecdote in the annals of Nice Girl history, except later that afternoon, Nice Girl Leah sent a group text with the following photo. No words, just the photo.
Leah totally stole my #futurefakehusband.
And from what we witnessed, he’s as nice as he is talented, gorgeous, and charming. So while we continue to good-naturedly use that hashtag, in reality we all agree: Tom Ellis is most definitely a Nice Boy.
What Leah Says:
What can I say? When Tom Ellis is sitting across a table from you smiling his charming smile and being all attractive, you take a picture. Then because you’ve been bickering over whose #futurefakehusband he is all afternoon, you most definitely flaunt said picture. I mean look at me. I’m smiling so hard my cheeks have basically swallowed my eyes.
I have so many texts back and forth about this my phone actually recognizes #futurefakehusband as a word.
Lucifer was one of the highlights of Comic Con, and (pause for pun) it was devilishly entertaining. You don’t often watch a show where you are pulling for the devil to get the girl and live a happy life, but that is exactly what I can see happening.
Be sure to follow along with us week to week as we try to recap Lucifer with as little hair pulling and shin kicking as possible.
Lucifer premieres Monday, January 25 on FOX.