
HEROES REBORN: Rya Kihlstedt has “a big agenda”

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Heroes Reborn kicks off a new story arc when it premieres September 24, but we’ll be seeing several familiar faces along with the new. NBC brought a few of those face along to Comic Con in July, and I had the opportunity to catch up with them and get the scoop on the new series.

Rya Kihlstedt plays Erica Kravid, the CEO of a Renautas, a global technology organization that may not be quite living up to it’s slogan – “doing good is good business.” Kihlstedt talked to us about her character’s big agenda and laser vision, as well as her teenage daughter and potential conflicts between the two. If you get the sense from this video that Erica is ruthless, well, you wouldn’t be wrong.

Heroes Reborn premieres Thursday, September 24 at 8/7c on NBC.

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