Nice Boys
Our Nice Boy this week is Saul Rubinek. Born in Germany in the late 40’s his parents moved to Canada shortly after he was born. He has been married to Elinor Reid since the 90’s as is a father of two.
In the 80’s he started to find recognition on TV and in movies. He was in Oliver Stone’s Wallstreet as well as Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven. I personally remember him most from True Romance where he played a cocaine addicted film producer. Saul has also had success as a director.
RELATED: Interview With Saul Rubinek & Aaron Ashmore
Currently Saul can be seen playing Artie on Warehouse 13. His gruff but caring demeanor on the show and his father like affection for Claudia make him one of the greatest characters to watch.
I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of the season finale of Warehouse 13 and the speech Saul gives near the end was spectacular to say the least.
Can’t wait to see what he does next.