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REVOLUTION 2.13: Happy Endings

Charlie, Miles, Monroe, Connor, Gene

Connor drags Truman back into Willoughby and with the help of Monroe and Miles, he manages to hold off the other Patriots and obtain the cure for the manufactured typhus. They get it back to the quarantine camp just in time to saw Gene, who is at death’s door, but soon makes a remarkable recovery.

Connor has the hots for Charlie and tries ineffectively to impress her with his bravery. Monroe and Connor head to New Vegas to hire some mercenaries to help them fight the Patriots and she goes with them to try to keep them in line, leaving Miles and Rachel alone in Willoughby.

In New Vegas, Brett Michaels (playing himself), has apparently been reduced to basically playing for coins on the street. Turns out Duncan, Monroe’s mercenary leader, is a woman. Their reception isn’t all that warm, and Connor sees Charlie in a new light when he realizes what a bada$$ she is.

She seems to warm to him as well. So well, in fact, that she sleeps with him, because, hey, why not? He’s cute and Charlie doesn’t figure either of them have a very long life expectancy. Connor has a more positive outlook on life, but Charlie isn’t buying it. Monroe catches the two of them together and is NOT happy.

Revolution - Season 2Miles takes Rachel out to the deserted drive-in theater for a romantic evening that starts with them pretending to watch a movie and ends with them both getting naked as well. Later, once they are home and fully clothed, they get a visit from Neville and Jason. He tells them that he wants revenge on the Patriots for killing Julia with the bomb.

Monroe needs diamonds to buy the mercenaries, so he makes a deal with his old “agent” to raise the money by fighting. While everyone is distracting, Connor will steal the money. Charlie manages to steal the diamonds and while Monroe is taking a pounding from a gargantuan opponent. He sees Duncan watching, and rallies his strength to defeat the man. On the way out of town, Connor and Monroe get caught with the diamonds.


Neville is beaten and lying in a filthy prison when someone comes for him. He is taken to the Oval Office to meet with President Davis, who has a job for him – go to Willoughby and execute Monroe before he can embarrass him further. If Neville doesn’t cooperate, the President will have Julia tortured. Neville reluctantly agrees, but requests that Jason be freed to help him.

Pretty much in the next scene, he and Jason, neither looking much worse for the wear, arrive in Willoughby, as if they took the first non-stop flight. Truman plays up how he saved the town from typhus. Neville isn’t impressed but Truman repeats the President’s threat to kill Julia if he and Jason are not successful at killing Monroe.

Aaron and Priscilla

Revolution - Season 2Aaron and Priscilla travel to Lubbock on the advice of the nanotech. Once there, they run into their old friend, Peter, who has joined a religious sect and has become a pastor of sorts. He’s apparently harnessed the power of the nanotech to heal people.

Aaron breaks the news that the healings have nothing to do with God. He needs some time to think so they go up to their room, and soon realize that they’ve been locked in from the outside. Peter finally comes to talk to them. He’s unwilling to tell the people about the nanotech because he doesn’t want them to lose their faith. Peter thinks they are all prophets and the nanotech is a gift from God. He’ll keep Priscilla and Aaron in Lubbock until they figure out why they have been blessed.

My Thoughts:

There was a lot going on in this episode – we got to see a lot of plot development to set up the second half of the season as well as some really entertaining dialogue throughout. Not sure how I feel about the whole Charlie-Connor hook up, but it’s bound to create some juicy conflict between Miles, Rachel, and Monroe. Charlie is definitely not the brass but sheltered girl who set out to find Miles a year or two earlier. Meanwhile, Connor, despite the hardships in his life, still seems to be the optimist.

Neville’s return also has a lot of potential intrigue – he’s got a lot of motivation to kill Monroe and we know that he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. On the other hand, if Julia’s safety could be guaranteed, there’s also no doubt that he couldn’t betray the Patriots at a drop of a hat.

At Comic Con, creator Eric Kripke promised us that we’d explore the idea of faith this season, and this episode definitely delved further into those ideas. The nanotech certainly has taken on a God like role, made more fascinating by the fact that it all runs on the program that Aaron, Priscilla, and Peter wrote.

Even better, for a Revolution episode, there wasn’t all that much gloom and doom. For a show that has at times seemed to relish a high body count, it was nice to see the characters with a bit of space to do their thing without the constant threat of death looming over them (well, except Gene, but does anyone really strongly care what happens to him at this point?).

Memorable Quotes:

Typhus…I don’t know whether to kill these guys or write them a fan letter. – Monroe
Yeah, let’s do the first thing. – Miles

Mercenaries? – Miles
I know someone who’s got plenty. It’s good help – homicidal help. – Monroe

Should I be worried? – Rachel
Nah…Probably. – Miles

Do you know that guy? – Charlie
Yeah, the world’s going to end and there’s going to be nothing left but Brett Michaels and the cockroaches! – Miles

You’re not exactly the praying type. You used to drop acid behind your church. – Aaron

So, what are we watching? Please don’t say The Notebook. – Miles
Evil Dead 2 – Rachel
Yeah, that’s about right – Miles

What?! You’re cute, I was bored. – Charlie

You don’t think any of this 700 Club stuff is creepy? – Priscilla
Oh, it’s super creepy! – Aaron

And Charlotte, try not to get yourself killed, or at least wait until your Uncle Miles is watching – Monroe

Watch Revolution on Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC!

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