WEEK IN REVIEW: Five TV Moments Deserving a Second Look

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Every week  there are a few moments from the week in TV that stick with me.  Below are my top five.

What are your favorite moments in TV this week?  Leave them in the comments below.

Whse 13
James Marsters takes a guest turn as the ever witty, entertaining Count of Saint Germain. When asked if he is a vampire (having lived for centuries) he hilariously replies that he doesn’t believe in vampires. “Oh please, vampires are for gothic novels and apparently preadolescent girls.”  Oh how I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer or more importantly Spike.s04_e0411_03_136674486236___CC___640x360

New Girl
Sure they aren’t exactly perfect for each other, and yes, it is only the 2nd season of New Girl but I for one am glad Nick and Jess finally ended up in bed together. There was just too much sexual tension between those two to make us wait any longer. After an episode of sharing how they all lost their virginity Nick decides not to overthink things with Jess anymore and just goes for it. Literally sweeping Jess off her feet he carriers her into his room.

No one marks time passing with as much intensity as Scandal. I know the Fitz and Olivia relationship is wrong, I don’t want to love them and if this were real life I would be appalled but it isn’t real life it is TV. Fabulous TV. I held my breath along with Liv and Mellie while Fitz waited out the remaining 22 minutes of his marriage in an attempt to earn Liv. It worked as the clock chimed 9:00pm and he and Olivia ended up in bed and then the shower.

The Following/Hannibal
Eye gouging makes me ill. I can watch an autopsy, a serial killer flay his victim, anything but eye gouging. I don’t know why exactly it is just the grossest thing ever but it is and I’d like to thank both The Following and Hannibal for subjecting me to those images this week.Nick-and-Monroe-Last-Grimm-Standing

There wasn’t exactly a specific scene this week but I was watching Grimm and thinking – Is Monroe the best friend a guy could have or what? He is just consistently there for his buddy Nick. Whether he is opening his home to a heartbroken Nick, researching what new Wesen has chosen Portland to call home or jumping into a fray to save help save the day. Monroe is equal parts sweet and badass.

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at