CASTLE: What To Do On Your Day Off… {ADVANCE REVIEW}

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Whenever a TV couple has been steeped in sexual tension and finally succumbs to passion, there’s a fear that with the tension relieved, the spark will be gone and a boring couple is left behind.

Fortunately Castle fans needn’t worry on that front. Beckett and Castle are now so attuned to each other on every level that the witty banter and knowing looks are just plain delightful. The morning after goes from sexy to screwball in a flash, and even though the team is dealing with some serious mythology-related drama, the vibe between Beckett and Castle is more Nick & Nora than Moonlighting. If this is the new status of their relationship, then I very much approve.

The mystery surrounding who killed Kate’s mother is a primary focus in this episode. With almost everyone barred from working the case through official channels, and Esposito and Ryan in a standoff, Beckett has to trust Castle’s just-this-side-of-legal methods to pursue the leads that came to light at the end of last season. As foreign as it was for Beckett and Esposito to work outside of official police channels, it was nice to see a sort of stripped down investigation. Not that the NYPD is particularly flashy, but there’s an element of ingenuity and grit here that made for an interesting change of pace.

Other highlights include: Tahmoh Penikett returns as a baddie, Alexis experiences her first hangover, and keeping a relationship a secret may be harder than it looks.

The Castle season premiere airs Monday, September 24 at 10/9c on ABC.

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