TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Wednesday, July 25

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Melissa & Joey – ABC Family 8/7c
“Pretty Big Liars” – Ryder decides he wants to invest in stock, and turns to Joe for advice. But Joe is adamant that Ryder’s stock pick is a bad idea and decides to show him how risky investing can be by not buying it. But when the stock turns out to be a winner, Joe scrambles to hide the truth from Ryder. Meanwhile, Mel is smitten with her new boyfriend Sam, who happens to be Haskell’s father, but must keep her happiness under wraps when Lennox and Haskell break up.

Royal Pains – USA 9/8c
“Fools Russian” – Hank (Mark Feuerstein) is whisked away to a secret meeting in Manhattan by Boris (Campbell Scott) to help care for a stubborn Russian oligarch, and befriends their female interpreter in the process. Meanwhile, Evan (Paulo Costanzo) and Jeremiah (guest star Ben Shenkman) treat a famous Internet Entrepreneur who may have caught something more than just the travel bug during his recent space flight. Divya (Reshma Shetty) finally reconciles with her father.

Dallas – TNT 9/8c
“Collateral Damage” – Rebecca reveals a life-changing secret to Elena. Still reeling from his interaction with Bobby, Ann’s ex-husband demands an apology. Meanwhile, John Ross is under pressure from his allies and tries to turn one family member against another. And a family associate is murdered, leaving everyone to wonder about the culprit.

Necessary Roughness – USA 10/9c
“Spell It Out” – A spelling bee whiz kid turns to Dani (Callie Thorne) with a case of the stutters. TK (Mehcad Brooks) comes face-to-face with a problem he hoped was history, a league representative comes knocking on Nico’s (Scott Cohen) door, and Jeanette (guest star Amanda Detmer) still hasn’t told Augusto she’s pregnant.

Damages – DirectTV 10/9c
“Failure is Failure” – Ellen (Rose Byrne) confronts McClaren (Ryan Phillippe) about inconsistencies in his story. Ellen’s mother seeks her help.

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