GRIMM: New Friday Night Horror Fix – With Some Humor
NBC and ABC will be bookend-ing your weekends with fairy tales. On Friday nights, beginning Oct. 28, NBC will air GRIMM and on Sunday nights you can catch Once Upon A Time on ABC. GRIMM is a series about one of the descendents of the Brothers Grimm, Nick Burckhardt (David Giuntoli), who is in fact a profiler. They had been charged with the task of keeping balance between mythological creatures and humans. There is no time-travel in GRIMM. All of these creatures co-exist with humans in today’s world.
Nick is a homicide detective which is the perfect cover for investigating non-humans. Nick has the ability to actually spot the creatures as they have all taken on human forms. The interesting thing about GRIMM is that not all of the creatures are going to be evil murderers. Each one will have their own agendas and not all of them are bad. Also, the “baddies” will not think that what they do is bad at all. It’s just who they are.
For instance, there is a character named Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), who is a ‘blutbad’, or we would say werewolf. He has learned to control his basic urges in order to better fit into our world among humans. He is a vegetarian who does Pilates and goes to church regularly.
Executive Producer David Greenwalt explains, “These creatures, when they were little, their parents told them stories about the Brothers Grimm and to be afraid of the Brothers Grimm. So these creatures, when they recognize our character as a Grimm profiler/hunter of these creatures, some of them get very freighted because they’ve been told that they will slay them.” So just like we have been told stories that frighten us about weresolves and such, they have been told the same things. Interesting, huh? I thought so! When we first meet Monroe, he does indeed seem a bit intimidated by Nick.
So, not all of the creatures of GRIMM will be bad, but they may be caught up in bad situations that they will need Nick’s help in getting them out of. We may even feel sorry for some of them. Some will have recurring roles on the show, though perhaps not appearing in every single episode. Their stories will add to some of the arcs.
I’ve seen the pilot episode and I was really impressed with how different it was than anything I had seen on TV so far. And there’s something for everyone. “If you’re someone who really likes a police procedural,” says Greenwalt, “ you know there will be familiar elements in the show that will appeal to that viewer who is like, here is a crime. What’s the source? Who really committed the crime? What’s the source? What’s the cause? And how do our heroes solve it?
At the same time, there a whole other level, you know, sort of cooking at the same time on the stove. That it usually has its’ own explanation in the Grimm world of who these creatures really are and what they’re really up to. And our hero is astride the 2 worlds. He’s got a foot in each world. And you know it’s very difficult for him to balance, you know, what is he going to tell his girlfriend? How is he going to use these abilities to solve crimes and yet still have it look like they could have been solved in the normal world.
So it’s – I think it’s appealing to you know, hopefully, a broad audience that maybe normally wouldn’t’ be that much interested in one or the other. Or that are interested in one or the other, but want, you know, more meat in the sandwich so to speak.”
GRIMM will be your Friday night fix for all things “horrifying, suspensful, with a classic fairytale story structure, iconic characters and humor. So we’re trying to hit it all. We’re just want to be entertaining,” says EP/Writer Jim Kouf.
GRIMM premieres Friday, Oct. 28th at 9/8c, on NBC, immediately following the season premiere of “Chuck”.
Be sure to bookmark NiceGirlsTV.com for weekly coverage of GRIMM. And for your “Chuck” news, photos exclusive interviews and more, check out ChuckTV.net.