ABC Family

Switched at Birth Recap: Paradise Lost

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This weeks episode of Switched at Birth began like a dream, or actually, it was a dream. Daphne had a dream where she was Bay and Bay was here. She woke up talking and happy at home, until she was Bay (as herself) signing with Regina and suddenly things seemed strange. They got even stranger when Bay and Emmet started kissing! What…like that would ever happen…

It’s the girls’ birthday and Kathryn wants to throw a party, obviously. But does family include Regina anymore? Also, Bay tells Daphne they’re going to get cars, I’m sure this will turn out super with Regina.

In other Regina news she’s been hiding out at Melody’s, but it’s time to go home. In an interesting chat with her mother she realizes her mom thought Angelo was right all these years, and just assumed she did have an affair. All this drama over the babies and no one knew! The Kennish lawyer also thinks that they shouldn’t pursue getting full custody of both girls, it will be messy and take too long.

Back in the adorable world of Bay and Emmet, Bay shows Emmet her artwork and tells him she wants to paint her girl with an ax on an empty billboard. She also tells him she’ll need his help. However, when the two go to do it the cops show up chasing them away and leaving them with some awful fence cuts in the process. Unfortunately Melody, who already doesn’t like Bay with Emmet (mainly because she’s hearing) notices Emmet’s wounds and freaks out at him, saying Bay is a bad influence. When Bay “overhears”—knows something is up—Emmet says even though his mom isn’t crazy about her now, she will be. Awww, how sweet.

Daphne is clearly not having as great of a week though. She pushes over another girl at basketball practice and her attitude is off. Perhaps it’s her mothers’ lies that have her down in the dumps? All becomes a little better though when the Kennish’s get her and Bay cars, that is until Regina sees the car and freaks out.

At the family dinner, where all controversy usually becomes full blown, things actually seem to become better. Bay says she wants Regina there and Regina joins them. Then Kathryn makes a beautiful speech about her two girls and how wonderful they are, probably the most meaningful thing Kathryn has said or done since the start of the show. Maybe we’re seeing a change in her, yet.

After dinner Daphne and Regina make up and Regina tells her she can keep the car. It looks like all the mothers on this show are changing their ways a bit…

Bay does get a little upset when Emmet only gives her a scarf and Daphne a dvd and signed poster from a movie she loves. However, Emmet’s gift was actually a blindfold so he can show Bay that he put her artwork up on the billboard. OMG best boyfriend ever!

At the end of the night Bay goes to tell Daphne about her and Emmet. Unfortunately she walks in just as Daphne realizes that while she couldn’t always count on her mom, she can count on Emmet, and just may have feelings for him…UH OH.

What did you think of this weeks episode? Do you think Emmet will end up with Daphne now? Should Bay step aside and let them be together? Will John Kennish ever forgive Regina?

Let us know in your comments below!