Holiday Memories in Front of the TV

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The Christmas holiday season brings back so many good memories. The long hours spent in the kitchen baking yummy cookies and pies; sneaking presents in and hiding them throughout the house; carefully wrapping the presents to keep prying eyes from peeking; going back and forth to the grocery store for that one last magical ingredient; hearing Christmas music in every store and throughout the house for weeks on end; and even dashing from mall to mall, store to store trying to find the perfect gifts.

Christmas invokes memories of lots of love and laughter. It is the time that family comes from across the globe to enjoy a meal together and delight in the fun, obscure trinkets that everyone finds under the Christmas tree or in their stocking.

It is not a wonder that it is my favorite time of year. When asked to share some of my favorite television related memories, a few jumped right out. I cannot recall a holiday season as I was growing up where my entire family did not sit down and enjoy watching The Wizard of Oz and The Sound of Music together. These films invoke all the wonder and joy of life that we cherish and celebrate. To experience the fantastical journey as Dorothy finds herself in a colorful world with even more engaging characters populating a whole new world of wonder and delight inThe Wizard of Oz is to remind ourselves that there is a world of possibilities out there and amazing people to befriend and get to know. Dorothy did not selfishly seek to get back home, she opened her heart and helped others along the way. Her giving spirit is something we all should emulate. After all, Christmas is all about giving.

Then The Sound of Music is about family, new beginnings, and also opening your heart to the possibilities for which life presents us. Based on the true and heroic story of the Van Trapp family, their story inspires us to stand up for what we believe in, to pursue love no matter what the cost, and to embrace even the most unconventional family that we find ourselves thrown amidst. “The Sound of Music” shows us a beautiful story of courage, love and family. This too is what Christmas is about.

Finally, because in my family, Doctor Who holds a special place in our heart, another favorite Christmas past-time in recent years has been to sit down and watch the BBC “Doctor Who” special. Ever since 2005, Christmas Day has become a day spent enjoying the latest Doctor Who adventure. It is a special event and one that we find ourselves talking about and reflecting upon for many months afterwards. Starting with “The Christmas Invasion” in 2005 through this year’s “A Christmas Carol,” this is the biggest treat of the year. The Doctor Who holiday specials remind us that in this vast universe we live in, for better or worse, as long as we stand by each other and work together, we can make unexpected friends, keep peace on Earth and live better lives. It inspires us to do more for each other and make resolutions to be better people. It may be an unconventional way to spend Christmas Day, but it brings my family together and we enjoy every minute of it.

May you too be blessed with time with your family, sharing in the joys of the holiday season and reflecting on the good lives for which we have been blessed. May you be inspired to live richer lives, befriend and help others, and one day perhaps we can have peace on Earth too.

Tiffany is a contributing writer for NiceGirlsTV who hails from sunny Los Angeles, California. She is a compulsive television watcher who loves discovering great television shows. Some of her favorite TV shows from this past season have been The Good Wife, Castle, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Life Unexpected, The Vampire Diaries, Merlin, Caprica, Lie to Me, White Collar, Psych, Justified and many, many more. She is anxiously awaiting the return of several beloved summer shows and discovering all the new shows that the upcoming summer and fall seasons will bring.