ABC Family

Watch Friday Night Lights From The Beginning On ABC Family

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Watch Friday Night Lights from the beginning on ABC FamilyAre you late to the Friday Night Lights party? I watched a few episodes of season 1 and liked it, but other shows took over and I lost track of it. It’s still on my ‘to watch’ list, but with 4 seasons already aired, I really need to just start at the beginning and watch all the way through. And now, thanks to ABC Family, I can! Beginning Tuesday, September 7, at 6/5c ABC Family will air Friday Night Lights from the beginning every weeknight.

Don’t know what you’re missing? Kyle Chandler, for one. Oh yes, the eye candy is in abundance, but this show is about  more than just attractive people. It also has amazing writing, some of the best acting on television, the drama of life in a small town and growing up. Take a look.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose! I’m setting my DVR to snag all of these so I can catch up. Meanwhile, the fifth and final season of Friday Night Lights premieres October 27 on DirecTV channel 101 before airing on NBC next year.

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