
“Sparks, Explosions & Kissing” on Warehouse 13/Eureka Crossover

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Warehouse 13 and Eureka air crossover episodes this week, with a storyline featuring Allison Scaglotti’s Claudia and Neil Grayston’s Fargo. The pair of them joined reporters on a conference call today to talk about the upcoming crossover and demonstrated some of that chemistry we’re told convinced TPTB to go forth with the storyline.

Warehouse 13 star Allison Scagliotti

We should've said hi to Allison Scagliotti.

It all started when Allison bumped into Neil at Comic Con 2009 and promptly asked him to be her friend. He agreed, they realized they were two peas in a pod, and proceeded to be inseparable. I saw Allison at Comic Con this year, not at the panel but out in the wild. My friend Stacey and I were starving on Sunday afternoon (our bodies had finally realized we’d barely eaten in 4 days), so we took a break from panels and press rooms and went to Cafe Diem, the Hard Rock taken over by Syfy for the week. We’re sitting there, Stacey with her vegetarian beans and guac and chips, me with my cheeseburger and fries, and she starts asking me about Warehouse 13. She hadn’t gotten around to watching it yet, despite being a massive geek, and seeing the photos of Artie and Claudia on the walls roused her curiosity. So I’m telling her about the show, and Claudia in particular, when suddenly her eyes get huge and her hand pauses with a guac-loaded chip halfway to her mouth.

I risked a look behind me, and what do you know – Allison Scagliotti was at the corner booth two tables away from us. The group at the table next to us had been blocking her from view, but they’d just left, startling Stacey so much that she momentarily forgot to eat. We considered stopping by her table to say hello, because you’re not going to a restaurant with your face all over the walls to NOT be recognized, but decided to play it cool instead. A few other people did go over, and she was quite gracious with them. Now I kind of wish Stacey had wiped the guac off her chin and gone over with me. Maybe next year.

Warehouse 13 and Eureka crossover

Claudia and Fargo, together at last

But back to the Neil/Allison lovefest: They were excited when the crossover episode actually came to fruition, and Allison says she’s watched it twice already and “Neil hits it out of the park.” Cute, right? Neil confessed that everyone on Eureka wants to kidnap Allison and bring her back to their show full-time, while she said the Warehouse 13 crew wants Neil to come work for them.

In the two episodes, we find out that the purple goo the Warehouse team uses to neutralize artifacts is manufactured by Global Dynamics, establishing the two shows in the same universe. Events ensue to bring Fargo to the Warehouse, followed by Claudia taking a trip to Eureka. The two teased us by revealing that they shot a scene where they have to fight giant robot spiders with lightsabers, followed by a kiss. Presumably this happens in the Warehouse 13 episode, because Allison later mentioned that the Eureka episode contains “sparks, explosions, and more kissing.” Should Claudia’s would-be beau Todd be worried? Not from that front, says Allison. Currently this crossover is a one-off, so Claudia and Fargo won’t develop anything permanent.

The Warehouse 13 episode of the crossover airs Tuesday, August 3 at 9/8c on Syfy, followed by part 2 on Eureka Friday, August 6, at 9/8c.

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