Spotlight on Emilie de Ravin’s Post-‘Lost’ Career

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Most widely known for her electrifying portrayal of Claire Littleton on the ABC series ‘Lost,’ Emilie de Ravin has approached the next phase of her career with a measured approach.  Taking a moment to shed some of her good-girl image, she poses for photographer Don Flood in the following set of revealing poses.  When asked how she felt to have such a momentous chapter of her life come to an end, Emilie thoughtfully shared, ““It’s weird, sort of bittersweet . . . excited that it’s end[ed], but sad.”

Most recently besides ‘Lost,’ Emilie co-starred in the feature film ‘Remember Me‘ alongside Robert Pattinson.  She enjoyed the opportunity to stay busy during her hiatus during the fifth season of ‘Lost’ by working on both ‘Remember Me’ and the upcoming animated film ‘Guardians of the Ga’Hoole‘.  Emilie also has a couple of other independent films coming out later this year.

Emilie is  a confident young woman who does not feel drawn into the world of scandal and temptation to which many young actresses are drawn.  For her, she is content to stay at home and watch movies.  She also feels strongly that “beauty does come from within. For me, I’m a very natural person. I’m not a makeup-y person. I love just being able to see someone’s eyes and skin as just what it is.”  As seen from the pictures below, she only looks more radiant when so adorned.

Emilie also stated, “Self-expression is extremely important.”  She has been an ambitious and determined  young woman since she first began acting years ago.  Therefore, she shared, “I always knew I was going to be doing something in the performing arts. I was a ballet dancer for a long time, right before I started acting. It’s really just a different way of expressing yourself. Feeling comfortable in your own body and being centered. I love that.”

It will be intriguing to see where Emilie goes in her career and we will be following it faithfully.

Tiffany is a contributing writer for NiceGirlsTV who hails from sunny Los Angeles, California. She is a compulsive television watcher who loves discovering great television shows. Some of her favorite TV shows from this past season have been The Good Wife, Castle, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Life Unexpected, The Vampire Diaries, Merlin, Caprica, Lie to Me, White Collar, Psych, Justified and many, many more. She is anxiously awaiting the return of several beloved summer shows and discovering all the new shows that the upcoming summer and fall seasons will bring.