Family Matters: An Advance Review of Royal Pains

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Royal Pains was a hit when it debuted on USA last summer, becoming the number 1 new show on cable for 2009. Led by the always likable Mark Feuerstein as Dr. Hank Lawson, the cast also includes regulars Paulo Costanzo as Evan R. Lawson, Jill Flint as Jill Casey, and Reshma Shetty as Divya Katdare. Campbell Scott has a recurring role as Boris, the billionaire who offers his guest house to the Lawson brothers. This season Marcia Gay Harden and Henry Winkler have also signed on for recurring roles as a surgeon and the Lawson patriarch, respectively.

Paulo Costanzo and Mark Feuerstein star as the Lawson brothers on Royal Pains

Paulo Costanzo & Mark Feuerstein in Royal Pains / USA Network

As season 2 gets underway, we have loose ends from season 1 to tie up and the introduction of more drama. When last we saw them, Hank and Evan were reeling from the news that their accounts had been wiped out — by their father, who shows up in the premiere to make amends. Divya went through with her arranged engagement to please her family, which Evan discovers now. And Boris revealed that he’s suffering from a terminal, hereditary illness, which Hank is determined to cure. Add in the medical mystery of the week – Spencer the Spazz trying to alternately live up to and eradicate his father’s legacy – and the premiere has a cornucopia of family issues.

Costanzo and Shetty have sharpened their repartee, producing a pair of characters who are quick-witted and, despite Divya’s best intentions, becoming closer. Both characters show individual growth as well, particularly Evan who has to face some harsh truths about his father, which has me excited to see where they end up by the end of this season. Feuerstein is still appealing as Hank, the guy trying to help everyone while keeping an eye on his little brother. He is Mr. Capable, with an obvious chip on his shoulder regarding dear old Dad.

The only false note continues to be Flint. She’s supposed to be Hank’s love interest, yet the pair have little chemistry and she seems too selfish and uptight for someone like Hank. It looks like the writers are trying to make her more likable this season: she’s butting heads with Harden’s surgeon, apparently to show us that she’s a good administrator who cares about her patients, and her wardrobe has been softened to a more romantic style than last season’s tailored skirts.Will that be enough to make her relevant? We’ll see.

Aside from that note of discord, Royal Pains is back with interesting cases, compelling characters, and gorgeous locations. Perfect for summer viewing and, let’s face it, a little envy.

Royal Pains season 2 premieres Thursday, June 3 at 10/9c on USA Network.

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