
NGTV Guide: Sunday, November 2

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I hope you remembered to set your clocks back, otherwise you’ll miss some good TV tonight!

True Blood – HBO 9/8c
“Plaisir d’Amour” – Bill breaks a vampire taboo in protecting Sookie – and must pay a steep price as a result. Jason and Amy break their own taboo by kidnapping a vampire named Eddie in order to harvest his blood. With Lettie Mae apparently cured, a skeptical Tara consults with Miss Jeanette about exorcising her own inner demon. Sookie returns home to yet another horrific tragedy, prompting Bill to enlist an unlikely bodyguard – Sam – to protect her while he’s away.

Desperate Housewives – ABC 9/8c
“There’s Always a Woman” – “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Gaby is over the moon when Carlos’ client makes them an offer they can’t refuse, but a startling discovery leaves her second guessing; Lynette grows suspicious that Tom is cheating on her; and after breaking up with Jackson, Susan tries to surprise him, only to find the surprise is on her. Meanwhile, the bond between Bree and Katherine grows, and Mrs. McCluskey enlists the help of her sister to dig up dirt on Dave.

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