BethAnne's Babblings

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Day After the Premiere

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So, it’s the day after the premiere of T:TSCC, and I’m still stunned. What a wild, exciting way to begin the second season! I have a feeling this season will top its first one. I have to admit to not seeing Thomas Dekker in anything else but this show and the first season of “Heroes”, so I don’t have anything else to compare his acting ability to. All I can say is, as John Connor, he is mind-blowing. He made you feel every emotion. There were moments last night that were truly heartbreaking for mother and son. I’m looking forward to watching him evolve this season.

Lena Headey, in my opinion, is every bit Sarah Connor as Linda Hamilton. She’s bad-ass and tough, yet she will show you her heart, especially where it concerns her son. Mom’s everywhere can relate to her. She’s a lioness when it comes to John.

Summer Glau reminded me more of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator than Garret Dillahunt’s. She got to be both good Terminator and bad Terminator in one episode, and she totally pulled it off. I almost believed her when she confessed feelings for John. Silly me, it wasn’t until Sarah reminded John that Cameron was a machine without any feelings at all. Incapable of feelings. I did a head-smack on myself.

The huge surprise, though, came in the character of Catherine Weaver, played by Shirley Manson. I mean, I knew what Catherine was and where she worked and all that, but the end shocked me right out of my socks. I literally sat on my couch, staring at my tv screen, with my pie-hole hanging down to my knees. I think I gasped too, and forgot to exhale for long enough that I began to feel light-headed. I love when a show can do that to me!

I could go on gushing, but I think I’ll leave it to others to do. What did you think of last night’s premiere?

Liz is a wife and mother of three from the Nashville area who likes being able to discuss her favorite TV shows with adults sometimes. She is addicted to the Sookie Stackhouse novels and was a huge fan of the HBO series based on the books, True Blood. Her other favorite shows include Chuck, Grimm, Pretty Little Liars, Blindspot, Heroes Reborn, The Goldbergs, Sleepy Hollow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter, just to name a few. Contact her at