Cay | April 12, 2022
A Million Little Things Roundtable: “school ties”
NiceGirls Cay and Rueben discuss the most recent episode of #AMillionLittleThings. This week's eppy sent several characters back...
Rueben | April 9, 2022
Outlander Recap: “Give Me Liberty”
#Outlander's new episode last week was centered around a grand event in Wilmington, a love charm, a water...
Rueben | April 3, 2022
Outlander Recap: “Hour of the Wolf”
Viewers learned about Young Ian's life with the Mohawk in last week's episode of #Outlander and so much...
Rueben | March 24, 2022
A Million Little Things Roundtable: “fresh start”
It's another new episode of Season 4 of #AMillionLittleThings. Check out what NiceGirls Cay and Rueben had to...
Rueben | March 24, 2022
Outlander Recap: “Temperance”
Did you watch Sunday night's episode of #Outlander? What did you think of it? Join NiceGirl Rueben as...
Cay | March 18, 2022
A Million Little Things Roundtable: “little white lies”
Are you Team Cam or Team Gary? NiceGirls Cay and Rueben discuss the most recent episode of #AMillionLittleThings...
Rueben | March 15, 2022
Outlander “Allegiance” Recap
Check out NiceGirl Rueben's recap of Sunday night's new episode of #Outlander, and then let us know what...
Rueben | March 11, 2022
A Million Little Things Roundtable: “piece of cake”
Last night's episode of #AMillionLittleThings continued with Maggie's 30th birthday party, the unexpected kiss between Gary and Maggie...
Rueben | March 7, 2022
Outlander Season 6 Premiere Recap: “Echoes”
NiceGirl Rueben provides a recap of last night's extended-length season six premiere of #Outlander, after a nearly two...
Cay | March 3, 2022
A Million Little Things Roundtable: Surprise
Join NiceGirls Cay and Rueben as they share their thoughts on the "surprising" latest episode of A Million...