A Million Little Things Roundtable: “little white lies”

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Here is the official synopsis for this week’s episode (season 4, episode 12) of A Million Little Things entitled “little white lies”:

When Cam and Maggie hit a rough patch, he looks to Gary for relationship advice. Ron and Regina embark on a new venture together, and Theo meets Greta in a chance encounter.

Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode [spoiler alert]:


Seeing how upset Cam was about the breakup was killing me in this episode! He always seemed too good to be true, but maybe he really isn’t and I’m disgusted with Maggie for treating him like that, even if she didn’t know what she really wanted herself. I thought it was weird that there was no scene at work with her coworkers commenting on the breakup – even without them having all gone to the big party the night (two nights?) before, that would have been hot gossip both at work and everywhere else in Boston if a sports star had a sudden breakup like that (especially as it was mentioned in passing that Cam lost it talking to a reporter after a game). Maybe this will come next episode, or maybe it was filmed and got cut for time? I really used to be Team Gary, but I find him more annoying than endearing lately!

I’m also quickly tiring of the Sophie show. I have little emotional investment in her plotline right now and she just comes off as a priviledged brat. One could argue that she’s been through a lot and that can rattle any young adult, but few even have the option of living rent free in a giant house and giving up school to tour with their garage band (presumably bankrolled by Delilah). On the subject of priviledge, the Danny plot also rubbed me the wrong way. First, it seemed over the top in terms of the gifts, and having Gary deliver them (has he never heard of Amazon or DoorDash?) and then spontaneously jumping on a plane solo to fly across the ocean to win back his long-distance boyfriend? That’s not exactly “normal teenage” behavior!

I’m glad that Katherine is no longer keeping secrets from Theo, although I’m not sure how realistic his reaction was to figuring things out. Granted, he’s a very bright kid living in a very liberal state where he certainly knows something about LGBTQ+ issues, but I would have expected that in a real situation even the most accepting kid would have a few more questions. Like “did you ever love Dad?” and “is this why you and Dad broke up?”, etc.

I forsee some potential comedic gold in the future involving a dinner party with Rome and Regina’s fathers both at the table, along with Rome, Regina, and Tyrell. I’m not sure what to think about her dad other than he’s not as annoying as her mother! I do like the idea of her getting back into her business with him as her support (hopefully emotionally as well as financially). I always enjoy the scenes with Tyrell and Rome and his letter was certainly touching! I also like that the show doesn’t ignore the fact that they are black and that means a different life experience than their white friends.

RELATED: A Million Little Things


From the very beginning I was concerned about Cam as a boyfriend to Maggie. We’ve discussed this before that we were always waiting for the other shoe to drop where he was concerned, and I thought for sure when Cam saw that box of candy on Gary’s table that that would be the moment where Cam would show his true colors, but that obviously didn’t happen. With hindsight I know my doubts about Cam were more because of the actor, Ryan Hansen of Veronica Mars fame, who plays that character. He typically plays the “dick” in the storylines, but for once he wasn’t playing to type. I did feel bad for Cam because of the way that Maggie handled their break-up. Obviously the episode title explains it all. “Little white lies” can get you in trouble no matter what the situation, and that was definitely on display in this episode.

Sophie to me is nothing more than a throw-away character anymore because of her continual abhorrent behavior. She is definitely a spoiled brat with no real authority figure overseeing her. Even as a “young adult” you still need some guidance from a parent or parent-adjacent person, and she hasn’t really had that for awhile. I don’t care how grown up someone of that age may think they are, you don’t have all the answers, and choices that you make at that age can come back to have ramifications that could harm, or in some cases ruin, your future. I think she is making a tragically wrong decision in not going to school – especially after the effort she put forth to audition – and to travel with her newly-joined rock band for a college tour – UGH! Just the wrong move in my opinion. I could do without Sophie for awhile!

I want to love Gary and Maggie being back together, but given the way it happened, I’m just not sure. As you said, Gary has always been so endearing; the steadfast friend and confidante for everyone; but ever since the incident with Peter, it’s hard to look at him in the same way. I miss the old Gary, and hope he makes a return soon.

I LOVED Tyrell’s essay, and I really hope that in reading what Tyrell said about him, that that helps Rome with his depression. Knowing that someone who isn’t his biological child cares that much, and sees him the way that Tyrell does, hopefully that is a little bit of a balm for Rome. As for Regina and her dad, I think that was the first time they’ve ever had a good visit with each other. I agree that I tolerated her dad in this episode way better than any episode that has featured Regina’s mom. I just hope that this financial assistance doesn’t end up doing more harm than good. I really want to see this be successful for Regina, and I hope that we get to see Valerie again.

You are so right that Danny just hopping on a plane from France back to Boston to get his boyfriend back. Who does that? Did his mom pay for the airfare to get him back there? That can’t be cheap right? All for some boy who clearly was telling Danny a “little white lie” to cover us the fact that he is stepping out on Danny. I’m just not really interested in seeing Danny lower himself to get a boy back who is clearly cheating on him.

Which leads to the whole all-too-easy acceptance of Katherine and Greta by Theo. You are so right, Cay, in all that you said about Theo, but he is a young boy, who would have had many questions about his mom no matter what.

And, can I just say it was great to see Eddie playing again; and perhaps that will lead to something more, but I definitely don’t want to see him and Anna continue in this relationship. It just hits way too close to home with what Peter did to Sophie, and how what Peter did to Sophie lead to Gary being so out-of-character.

[Photo Credit: ABC/Darko Sikman]

What did you think of this week’s episode? Please share your thoughts below.

The next new episode of A Million Little Things will air on ABC on March 23 at 10/9c.

Cay's family thinks her obsession with pop culture is "not normal". Normal is boring!