Roz | October 2, 2016
POLDARK: Three Twists to Explore
Poldark, as it does every season, takes to raising more questions than it gives answers in an hour’s...
Roz | September 25, 2016
POLDARK: Four Shocking Reveals from the Premiere
Tonight marks the return of Poldark to PBS, and there are many problems facing our surly hero who...
Rueben | August 28, 2016
September TV Calendar
The following list provides the dates of all the returning and debuting major and cable network dramas for...
Rueben | July 27, 2016
August TV Calendar
The following list provides the dates of the returning cable network dramas as well as new cable network...
Rueben | April 27, 2016
TV Calendar for May
The following list provides the dates of the returning cable and major network dramas as well as new...
Rueben | March 28, 2016
April TV Calendar
The following list provides the dates of the returning cable and major network dramas as well as new...
Roz | March 6, 2016
DOWNTON ABBEY: “Season Six, Episode Nine” {Recap}
Here we are at the finale of Downton Abbey. It’s been an up and down six seasons, with...
Rueben | February 26, 2016
March TV Calendar
The following list provides the dates of the returning cable and major network dramas as well as new...
Roz | February 14, 2016
DOWNTON ABBEY: “Season Six, Episode Seven” {Recap}
The whole Crawley family has been invited to Brooklines for the race. There’s also a date for Daisy’s...
Roz | February 7, 2016
DOWNTON ABBEY: “Season Six, Episode Six” {Recap}
In the wake of the hospital needing money, the Abbey is being opened for an Open House. Lord...