THE BOLD TYPE: Four times you don’t underestimate these ladies in “The Woman Behind the Clothes”
In this week’s episode of THE BOLD TYPE, Jane faces problems as she tries to chase a story, Sutton takes her first steps to pursue her dream job and Kat gets harassed by Internet trolls. Amidst all this drama, these young women proved why you should never underestimate them…
Following last week’s ‘I have never orgasmed’ story, Jane doesn’t want sex writer to be her brand; she wants to cover deeper issues like politics and has her heart set on a new story when she discovers that a female congresswoman is in town. Chasing opportunities to get the story isn’t easy, especially once the congresswoman’s team hear that Jane is representing Scarlet magazine and she is rejected in favor of The Huffington Post. Frustrated, Jane realizes that she has to take a different approach and plays the shallow and fashion stereotype of Scarlet to her advantage in order to secure a face to face with the congresswoman. It works but the moment that Jane steers the questions away from style and into voting choices, the interview is cut short. Jane is so set on covering a particular story that it takes her a while to see that she can create just as much of an interesting non-fluff piece with the materials that she has got and are available online than she would have with her original pitch and produces a piece about how the congresswoman deliberately uses fashion to distract the press and public from decisions she is making in her career. Bet you never saw that piece coming!
Also this week, after making a move on Ryan from Pinstripe last week, the pair have a pre-work flirtation where Ryan programs his number into Jane’s phone and she calls him to set up a date the moment he walks away, surprising both him and us. You go, girl! Sure things got a little complicated throughout the episode, but the pair seemed back on track by the episode’s end and it’s nice to see the seemingly uptight Jane loosen up a little.
This week Kat is spearheading a new project involving Scarlet and a virtual reality app, but after testing some headsets, she discovers that many headsets out there are less female friendly and even cause them to feel nauseous, In typical Kat fashion, she tweets at the “VR bros” about gender equality and at first she’s unphased by the “shut your mouth, whore” type comments and even the ones that call her a “slut”, but when they start tweeting rape threats, dig up topless photos of her – even someone as confident as Kat has a bit of a breakdown. After a pep talk from Jacqueline and an encouraging tweet from a fellow female in the biz, Kat realizes that she needs to engage with this misogynistic gamer guys in a different and smart way and thus the #TypeWithKindness campaign is born and Scarlet also partners up with a smaller VR tech company run by a female. Ha, take that VR bros!
After deciding not to take the position in Sales last week, Sutton makes a decision this week to go after her fashion dreams. When she hears that an assistant position to the head of fashion has opened up, she asks her current boss Lauren for a reccomendation but she brushes Sutton off, thinking that it’s just a phase since she was applying for the Ad Sales job just the week before. Realizing that she needs to get her foot in through the door, Sutton makes herself indispensable to Fashion head Oliver, while still catering to Lauren’s needs. When Lauren realizes that Sutton is not 100% focused she is less than impressed, but when Jacqueline is later impressed by a piece Sutton put together and it receives rave reviews online, the young assistant bites the bullet and approaches her boss and tells her that while she is so appreciative of the things she has learned working for her for the past three years, she is going to apply for the fashion job with our without her support. This determination and sudden backbone seems to impress Lauren, as she tells Sutton to take a seat so they can discuss strategy to help her land that fashion assistant job. Sometimes you just have to work hard and stand up for yourself to prove that you are serious about something.
THE BOLD TYPE airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Freeform.
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