BLINDSPOT: “Scientists Hollow Fortune” {Roundtable}
This week we meet someone who seems to fit the mold from which Jane is also cut, only not exactly. With that and everything that she’s going through with Oscar it’s another rough week for Jane. But she isn’t the only one with secrets to uncover or cross to bear.
But before that all unfolded, let’s tackle some questions.
1. Charles Napier (guest star Gaius Charles) had been killed in an attack as a soldier, but clearly isn’t. Do you think that this is too personal a case for Jane? If not, what would you imagine pushing Jane over the edge?
Roz: These cases are more than just a way for Jane to help the FBI and I don’t see the relationship as being a healthy one at this point. But because Jane still wants questions answered, she’ll stick with the devil she knows until that one is her lesser or two evils. Given how much Oscar’s answering (and not answering), I think the tipping point is sooner rather than later.
Leah: I think they are all personal to Jane. She is way too involved in these cases and between that and Oscar she is getting back more and more of her memories.
Lisa: I think Jane has a personal connection to each case, but this one was a little too close to home for her. It really affected her to see what they did to Charles.
Liz: I think that each case we see from here on out will confirm what Oscar has been telling Jane. The cases will seem more personal to her as she remembers more and as Oscar reveals more. I’m not sure what is meant by ‘over the edge’, but if you mean where Jane breaks out of her amnesia and remembers why she did all this, I really don’t know. It may be a gradual thing.
2. Ultimately, do you want to trust Oscar or not? Why?
Roz: I want to trust him, but I think it’s another way to stop Jane from learning all of her past. He’s gatekeeping for all the wrong reasons now.
Leah: I am annoyed at the pace at which he is revealing things. I get he can’t just spill all of the information, this is a TV show, but I find it very wrong that he is delving the information out so slowly.
Lisa: I want to trust him, but I don’t. I want Jane to find out all the answers to her past but I don’t think he is they key to her truth.
Liz: I still maintain that he only tells her what he thinks she can handle at the time. She still doesn’t believe what he is telling her, why would he reveal more? It’s not like she’s going to believe more. Yes, I trust him.
3. The whole team was part of the takedown this week, which brings them closer together. But are you still worried about Zapata’s secret coming to light, breaking the rules? Or will it be Reade’s new secret to bring them down?
Roz: I think one, or both of those secrets will be part of the teams’ downfall, but I can’t tell which one is more likely to explode on everyone else. Reade dating Fuller’s sister isn’t great, and it’s not collaborating with the CIA, but nothing’s going to top that.
Leah: I almost hope Zapata’s secret comes out because I thought that was pretty convenient how it wrapped up for her. Reade dating Fuller’s sister is not going to go over well. How did they even meet?
Lisa: I think Zapata’s secret will be more damaging and I think it will come out sooner rather than later. She got off way to easy so I know it’s going to come back and bite her.
Liz: I don’t think it’s going to be any of those. I think, if there’s going to be any team breakup, it’s going to start with Mayfair’s secret coming out.
4. Jane’s questioning her chain of command. Do you think that her actions were justified after everything with Napier or is this just one more mark in Oscar’s favor?
Roz: I think that independent thought is great, but in this system, it won’t help her case or give her answers.
Leah: That felt forced. The part where Mayfair called her into her office to chastise her. They question other departments authority all the time. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. It got her into the office to switch out that pen though.
Lisa: I totally agree with Leah. I felt like that whole scene took place just so Jane would have the opportunity to switch the pen.
Liz: Now Jane has this stuff that Oscar’s been telling her in her head and she will start to question Mayfair. She will begin to have doubts. She’s going to scrutinize everything Mayfair does. Maybe even Kurt too.
5. Who was your episode MVP?
Roz: I give it to Jane for having her wits about her to figure out how to properly handle Napier, even if it didn’t yield the results she wanted.
Leah: I am going to give it to Fuller for the breakthrough/down he had with his Father. That was emotional.
Lisa: I’m going with Reade. I am glad that he finally got an interesting storyline and a little secret love affair is never bad. Right? No, I know I’m wrong but why not have let him nab the MVP and have love before that other shoe drops.
Liz: I agree with Leah, that was pretty emotional and quite a revelation. Still not 100% sure I believe him though. Someone allowed Jane to be taken. Someone knew where to find her that night. Still, he was pretty convincing for the episode.