REVOLUTION RECAP: South of the Border

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Revolution 2.10: Three Amigos

When we last left Revolution last season, Rachel saved Monroe, Gene betrayed everyone, Cindy was killed, resurrected, and killed again, the nanobots started talking to Aaron, Aaron torched Horn and all his men, and Miles’ infection was getting the best of him.


Miles, Charlie, Monroe, Rachel, Aaron, Gene

Rachel can’t save Miles on her own sans nanobots, so Monroe and Charlie sneak back to Willoughby and rescue Gene, who uses some maggots, some herbs, and some magic to cure Miles. Monroe’s assistance was of course not at all altruistic – he needs Miles to tell him where his son is. Once Miles recovers, he tells Monroe that his son is named Conner and he lives in Mexico. Miles, Monroe, and Rachel head out to Mexico to find him while Gene, Aaron, and Charlie stay behind.

Revolution - Season 2Miles, Monroe, and Rachel manage to sneak into Mexico as migrant workers. Apparently Mexico is now better off than Texas and so Texans and other people from what was previously the United States line up at the border for day labor positions working in the fields (touché!). Monroe is antsy, so he commanders the wagon they are riding in and soon they arrive in the town where Miles left Conner many years before. The place has taken a turn for the worst – it’s rundown, ruled by a cartel and full of hookers. Turns out that Conner is now one of the cartel’s leaders.

Monroe does the whole “I’m your father, we can take over the world together” bit, which doesn’t go over very well and he ends up getting himself abducted by the cartel, leaving Miles and Rachel to plan a rescue.


Shortly after Miles and Rachel leave. Aaron sneaks out and heads to Oklahoma. After reliving his conversation with the nanobot boy, he suddenly has a crazy urge to see world’s second largest ball of twine. The town seems deserted, but then the welcoming party arrives – it’s one woman, with a gun, and it’s someone Aaron knows – Grace!


Revolution - Season 2 Meanwhile, Charlie and Gene search for Aaron, but lose his trail. They do see several heavily laden wagons enter Willoughby. They hijack one (leaving Gene horrified at how easily Charlie can kill) and find it full of…oranges. Crates and crates of oranges. Back in Willoughby, the Patriots are giving the oranges out to the crowd as a promise of things to come in the future if they join the cause. In a back room, we see a man injecting something into a bunch of oranges.

Neville and Jason

Neville, Jason, and Julia have traveled to the White House and are putting their plan of assassinating the President and his Chief of Staff into place. They go for the Chief of Staff first and Neville is successful on his second try, after having to abort the first one. Julia’s new husband is conveniently next in line to be Chief of Staff and she’d like to use his position, but Neville is eager to kill him as well. Meanwhile, Jason sees the Eye of Providence symbol on a folder that his boss carries around and sneaks a peek inside.

Revolution - Season 2My Thoughts:

This episode was an average one – it started some new story lines – Connor and the oranges – and developed some others – Aaron and the nanobots, Neville’s grand scheme. The banter between the characters was fun and I was amused at the flip flop in fates between the US and Mexico. I’m curious to see where the Connor story line goes – obviously Monroe’s apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

The oranges are interesting. What is the purpose? It seems unlikely that it’s poison and it also seems unlikely that it’s something beneficial, such as a vaccine. Maybe something addictive, so the Patriots can keep everyone under their control?  Whatever the plan, they have a lot of oranges!

Memorable Quotes:

Well, congratulations, you’ve made it to Mexico. Now go and enjoy the Mexican dream! – Monroe

He was always going to grow up like this, because he’s your son – Rachel
By that logic, Charlie’s going to grow up and end the world – Monroe

Let me guess – we’re going to get ourselves killed saving Monroe? – Rachel
Aren’t you glad you came? – Miles

Catch Revolution on Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC!

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