Week in Review: TV Worth a Second Mention
Now that Fall TV is back so is week in review. I know you are all very excited. Just a reminder that since this is a week in review it is spoiler filled.
Below are some TV Moments I feel are worth mentioning. Feel free to add your own to the comments below.
NCIS: I know that Cote de Pablo’s exit was a shock to NCIS so writing her out of the show was a last minute thing. That being said, I’m a little disappointed that she was only in the last half of the two part, “Say Goodbye to Ziva”. I did finally get a Tony/Ziva kiss but overall I didn’t love how they wrote her out. I mean Tony didn’t even make a Casablanca reference while standing on the tarmac in a foreign land saying goodbye to the women he loves. At least they didn’t kill her, who knows, maybe she will be back.
The Mindy Project: So The Mindy Project is growing on me this year. They made some changes and I like it. I also like that Adam Pally made his debut this week. He refers to Mindy as a plus size model, something he thinks is a compliment no less, and still gets a job with the office. He’s sticking around as a series regular so there will be plenty more chances for him to annoy Mindy. My only gripe, he is basically playing the same character he did on Happy Endings. Sub in OBGYN and remove gay and you have a very similar character.
RELATED: THE MINDY PROJECT: Photos And Synopsis For “Magic Morgan”
The Mentalist: I like watching TV relationships. Whether it is a chemistry filled relationship, like the main couple on Bones or Castle, or a friendship only relationship like Watson and Sherlock on Elementary. On The Mentalist Jane and Lisbon always portrayed a bantery (its a word) friendship only relationship. It was never anything other than that. However in the closing moments of this week’s episode when Jane gets a call from Red John after snatching up Lisbon it is clear (to me anyway) that Jane has more than friendly affectionate feelings for Lisbon. I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
Scandal: They make the list this week with best quote. Harrison is rallying his fellow Gladiators and when they aren’t as enthusiastic as they should be he asks, “Are you Gladiators or are you bitches?” It works, they rally. It also serves as one of the most repeated things on Twitter. My newsfeed was full of that quote and at one point it was even trending.
RELATED: SCANDAL Recap: Come Hell or High Water
Sleepy Hollow: I love Sleepy Hollow. It is the right blend of mythology, creepy and good crime/case of the week that all ties together. The one thing I can’t quite figure out though is why do Ichabod and Abby have the same hairstyle? It drives me nearly to distraction. Oh and his clothes. Our dear friend Ichabod has been sleeping in said clothes for 200+ years. You would think he would have gotten new duds ASAP. I’ll leave you to ponder.
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Did I miss any TV moments worth a second mention? Sound off in the comments.