A Million Little Things Roundtable: Pinocchio
A Million Little Things aired another new episode of season 4 on Wednesday night and things are getting interesting!
Here is the official synopsis for the episode (season 4, episode 4) entitled “pinocchio”:
Gary’s past starts to affect his future with Darcy, while Eddie uncovers more from the night of his accident. Rome receives promising interest for his documentary, and Maggie gets a taste of workplace politics.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode [spoiler alert]:
Well, that cat’s out of the bag, now! Gary just makes one bad decision after another. I guess it’s sort of his personality, but antagonizing a cop seems like the worst thing to do in his situation! And then calling the hospital pretending to be a relative, and from his own cell phone, no less (not to mention all the Googling Peter from his laptop and home WiFi!). I wonder what Peter wants to say to him?!? Peter now knows about the podcast and if he did indeed assault any other students, it is likely to come up. But what does Peter have to offer Gary? Gary can’t undo the podcast, although maybe Peter wants Gary to try to influence Sophie to recant in return for Peter dropping the charges against Gary? And the police have to have some forensic evidence, right? Gary and “Topher” weren’t all that careful, it seems.
Darcy’s reaction to figuring it out was interesting. I can’t blame her for not wanting to stay with Gary, but it seems like she either loves him unconditionally, or appreciates his motives even if not his actions. While I’m not a Liam fan, I was feeling kind of bad for him because he obviously loves Gary and now he’s going to be ripped from his life. The poor kid can’t catch a break!
Speaking of not catching a break, can’t Rome be happy for two full episodes? I suspect it will work out in the end, but I am growing weary of the constant barriers always thrown in his path. It also seems like he should fire his douche-y agent as he does not seem to have Rome’s best interests at heart, just wants his commission.
I have to appreciate Maggie’s ability to put her foot into her mouth/blunder into awkward situations! I predict that the listener feedback will be very good and she’ll keep the job. And maybe she’ll end up getting Jane and Mr. Sweatpants to actually let it rest?
Last, but not least, I wanted to talk about Eddie. Whew! So glad that he met with the woman that hit him and realized that sometimes things just happen to be people, no malice intended. I’m curious to see what happens with the money that she left – will he try to find her to return it, will he try to help her get away from her husband in some way?
It was also nice to see Eddie be honest with Theo and himself and take steps towards acceptance. It was interesting that Theo suggested that he needed to date. Not sure most kids would suggest that within months of their parents separating/divorcing? Especially after all they did to keep him in the dark about what was going on!
Overall, a good episode and I’m excited to see what happens with Peter’s call to Gary!
RELATED: A Million Little Things
First of all, didn’t we see it coming? Peter would wake up and ID Gary as the person who beat him? Well, that didn’t happen exactly that way – I don’t understand why Peter told the detective he didn’t remember anything only to turn around and call Gary in the final scene to tell Gary that he remembered he was there that night. We knew the truth was going to be revealed, I just didn’t expect it to go this way. And more to the point, I didn’t expect Darcy to piece things together the way she did – Pinocchio as the final Jeopardy clue that tripped Gary up in her eyes; I totally didn’t see that one coming. I feel bad for Gary that his heart is seemingly broken, and I feel a little bad for Liam, too, as he really seemed to like Gary. But, given that neither of us cared for Gary’s relationship with Darcy, I don’t feel bad they aren’t together anymore. That whole relationship never worked; it felt almost too forced, like we had to be convinced that they loved each other. Just, no!
As for Rome, I was so happy for him when he told Regina his documentary got into the film festival, and felt even better for him when that streaming service wanted to buy it; but I guess given the fact that Rome and Regina always seem to be on the low end of good times, that it was too good to be true. I just hope, like you said, that Rome fires his agent/manager, and that he is able to get his documentary back. That was so underhanded for that streaming service to do, but also par for the course for the entertainment industry (said to say!)
The one shining moment in the episode was Maggie’s faux pas in the break room making a comment about big boss Jane and weather and traffic guy Nick making things a “hostile working environment.” She totally meant it in jest, but it was said to the wrong person. I just hope that Jane will be able to see past that and hire Maggie on full time. I can’t imagine that they’ve gotten the story this far – with Maggie getting the radio short, even temporarily, without wanting to make it a regular part of her story. I think she could do so much good with In the Room with Dr. Bloom. Let’s hope that this keeps going in the right direction.
Then there is Eddie. I hope that his meeting with Nicole, and learning her “side” of what happened, will allow him to move on. I think it’s time for him to do so. I have to say that I felt bad for Nicole when she told Eddie why she was out driving the night she hit him, and why she didn’t come forward, and still hasn’t come forward. Hopefully by their meeting, Eddie can move forward and Nicole can eventually forgive herself. I have to wonder if we will see Nicole again, though. And, as you said Cay, having Theo tell his dad that he needs to date – just weird for a little kid to tell his dad that especially given his parents haven’t been divorced for that long.
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand)
What did you think of this week’s episode? Please share your thoughts below.
The next new episode of A Million Little Things will air in two weeks on Wednesday, October 27 at 10/9c.