ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Pain Is For The Living”, CHICAGO FIRE “A Chicago Welcome” and CHICAGO P.D. “I Was Here” Episode Round-Up
What went down in the ONE CHICAGO world this past week? Find out with our CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE and CHICAGO P.D. episodes round-up!
Remember the young woman on MED who OD-ed at the underground clinic Dr Halstead volunteers at? She has cleaned herself up and is actually an OB/GYN at the hospital. Dr Hannah Asher seems pretty capable and professional, but Halstead is horrified and tries to dissuade her patient from undergoing surgery. When they insist that they want to go ahead with it, Will loiters outside the OR, asking a fellow colleague to frequently check in on the surgery much to Dr Asher’s annoyance. The surgery goes well but Will still doesn’t think that the new doc should be practicing medicine. She tells him if he wants to report her, she’ll report him. “Have at it, cowboy,” she tells him.
Just when we thought we had seen the last of weaselly Deputy Commissioner Jerry Gorsch on FIRE, here he is. We thought he had been exiled, but it turns out he heard about Boden’s new operational procedures to protect firefighters from cancer risks and wants to help. Gorsch starts off by arranging a new truck for 81 and then tells Boden that he wants firefighters to have an extra set of gear. The thing is that Commissioner Grissom has enforced a department spending freeze so unless it’s lifted, getting that new gear will be tricky. Next thing you know, Gorsch has announced that he has managed to secure new gear and at a fraction of the price from their current supplier. Severide smells a rat and asks the more tech savvy Ritter to do some digging. Turns out this new supplier is from Gorsch’s hometown and they haven’t even tested the gear. Gorsch was willing to put firefighters lives in danger so that he could take advantage of the kickbacks! When the truth is revealed, Gorsch is fired so it looks like we have seen the last of him for reals. On the bright side, the firefighters will still get their new set of gear from the original supplier, so that’s a win.

CHICAGO MED — “Pain Is For The Living” Episode 513 — Pictured: Dominic Rains as Dr. Crockett Marcel — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
There were quite a few cases in the ONE CHICAGO world that affected our heroes this week. On MED, we have Will Halstead still pulling double duty at the clinic and clearly pushing himself to the limit. It’s only a matter of time before it catches up to him and something goes wrong. There were also two cases centred around families that we will get to shortly, and then Dr Marcel lost a patient while operating on them in the Hybrid OR. He took the loss quite hard and refused to come out and speak to the parents until he could give them an explanation. It was strange seeing the usually charming and easy-going doc so affected. The way he reacted had us wondering if something happened in his past.
On FIRE, 51 tend to a house fire call involving an elderly couple named Gail and Tim. They moved to Chicago about a month ago and don’t know anyone in town, nor do they have any family. Gail passes away and it’s really sad to see that Tim, who was admitted to the intensive care unit, has no one. Casey and Brett try to find the couple’s cat so that Tim at least has someone. They also take the time to go beyond their duty and help him.

CHICAGO P.D. — “I Was Here” Episode 713 — Pictured: (l-r) Amy Morton as Sergeant Trudy Platt, Marina Squerciati as Officer Kim, Jason Beghe as Sergeant Hank Voight — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
On P.D., now that the news is out about her pregnancy, Burgess is been reassigned to a desk job and is working as a 911 operator. You can take the girl out of Intelligence, but you can’t take the Intelligence instincts out of the girl. Burgess answers a distressing call from a young woman and wants to follow up on it after her shift. She teams up with Platt and when they visit the location of where the call came from, they find a crime scene and what becomes Intelligence’s next case. It turns out the girl on the phone was caught up in a sex-trafficking ring and Burgess is determined to find her. While questioning a person of interest, Burgess opens up about her decision to be a cop and how her loved ones reacted, like her boyfriend at the time asking her if her decision to become a cop was an attention seeking device. (Glad she ditched him, hey?) Nice to see us finally getting some character back stories this season, even if it is season 7! In the end, the ringleader was caught but not without a cost. After a brutal beating, Burgess managed to save the young woman from the 911 call but also miscarried her baby.

CHICAGO MED — “Pain Is For The Living” Episode 513 — Pictured: (l-r) Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton, Brian Tee as Dr. Ethan Choi — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
Family was a pretty common theme in the latest instalment of ONE CHICAGO episodes. On MED, Dr Choi’s clucky vibes were in overdrive as he walked through the waiting room and a child greeted him with a wave. He and April were then assigned to a case involving two young brothers in serious conditions and their father had to take drastic measures to intervene and separate them. The case ended up being more serious than anticipated – the older brother had intense behavioural issues to which Dr Charles recommended he be placed in a residential facility. However, the family’s insurance wouldn’t cover it. Dr Charles came up with a heartbreaking loophole that would ensure that the boy receives the treatment he needed, and that was for the parents to abandon him so that he would become a ward of the state. The parents were understandably horrified but realised it was the best thing they could do for their son. April and Ethan were witness to this situation and also affected by the turn of events. Also on MED, Dr Manning bonded with a single mother that she had initially judged but realised that the woman had a rare condition that prevented her from feeling pain.

CHICAGO FIRE — “A Chicago Welcome” Episode 813 — Pictured: (l-r) David Eigenberg as Christopher Herrmann, Jesse Spencer as Matthew Casey, Annie Ilonzeh as Emily Foster, Daniel Kyri as Darren Ritter, David Selby as Tim Larson, Christian Stolte as Randy ‘Mouch’ McHolland, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide — (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)
The ONE CHICAGO shows often mention the community of Chicago and we saw that in full force during the latest episode of FIRE. First we have a group of strangers band together and form a human chain to try and stop a child from falling into a river. Then when Tim shares with Casey and Brett that there won’t be any around to attend Gail’s funeral, Brett asks Casey about his press contacts from his alderman days. Just when Tim thinks that he’ll be all alone at Gail’s funeral, the pair, the rest of Firehouse 51 and a bunch of other Chicago citizens show up, because what’s they do in Chicago, they show up. If that doesn’t demonstrate that community and family unit of Chicago, I don’t know what does! There was quite a bit of Brett and Casey scenes this episode. Another included Brett sharing with him that her birth mom is seeking contact and she asks him for his take on her situation.
On P.D. Burgess and Ruzek’s co-parenting plans seemed to be looking promising, now that the pair had finally talked things out and were on the same page. Ruzek was going to slowly move into Burgess’s home so that they could raise the baby together. Following her brutal beating, Burgess is taken to the hospital where she is told that she lost the baby. The numb look on her face is hard to take and all Ruzek can do is sit beside her and silently offer her his support. Where will they go from here?

CHICAGO FIRE — “A Chicago Welcome” Episode 813 — Pictured: (l-r) David Eigenberg as Christopher Herrmann, Christian Stolte as Randy ‘Mouch’ McHolland — (Photo by: Adrian Burrows/NBC)
On MED, Dr Marcel and Dr Choi look like they’re becoming pretty chummy as they light-heartedly tease each other about sports teams. April is at unease with this and admits to Maggie that she’s a horrible person for feeling like that. We also get a nice quiet friendship moment between Dr Charles and Sharon on the rooftop at the end of the episode where they lament about the terrible day they had, “Today sucked”. It may not have been a big dramatic moment but there’s something about those smaller quiet moments that take a beat that are nice to watch.
Over on FIRE, we had some tense friendship moments throughout the episode. First we had tension between Herrmann and Mouch, which we initially thought was a result of Truck 81 getting a new truck and Mouch gloating about it. However, as the episode went on, there seemed to be more there. Even Gallo asked Ritter what the deal was between the two older fireman. Ritter was pretty nonchalant about it and told Gallo every so often volcanoes errupts and do a little rumbling and advises, “we stay far, far away and try not to get destroted when the lava errupts,”. Ha! Eventually Mouch and Herrmann make up and Mouch admits that he’s jealous of Herrmann because they were always on the same level and now that Herrmann is a lieutenant, they’re no longer on the same trajectory. Aww!
Also having friendship dramas were new roomies Cruz and Foster. When Foster tells Cruz she’s having friends over, he misinterprets what she says and goes out and buys a new outfit to fit in with her friends. However, turns out she was telling him as a warning so that she could have the place to herself and basically kicks him out when he shows up to her party. Awkward. After some passive agressive behaviour on his behalf, they eventually clear the air and she promises to invite him to the next party. Last but not least related to FIRE friendships, can we talk about Tuesday and Dusty the cat? We are totally here for this friendship!

CHICAGO MED — “Pain Is For The Living” Episode 513 — Pictured: Dominic Rains as Crockett Marcel — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
On MED, April and Ethan are pretty loved up and looking forward to looking into the process of starting a family together. April’s guilt over kissing Crockett and not telling her fiance is eating at her though so we think it’ll be a matter of time until Ethan finds out. Elsewhere, Natalie reveals that she’s dating again. Crockett overhears Natalie tell Maggie that she’s been on four first dates, all of which she’s not considered a second. He interjects and teases her about having ESP. At this point, I don’t know if it was the looks he was giving her but I wondered if the show was trying to sow some seeds about Natalie and Crockett getting together. At the end of the episode when Nat checks in on him because she heard he had a rough day after losing his patient, I feel vindicated about my theory. It would be a little weird for Crockett to move onto Natalie after kissing April, but hey also wouldn’t be surprised!
Speaking of hook ups, Foster seems to be enjoying them on FIRE. Roomie Cruz sees one of Foster’s flings leave the morning after and we can see he’s impressed. On the flipside, the slowburn between Casey and Brett continues. We do get plenty of scenes with them together though as they look out for fire victim Tim after his wife dies and their cat goes missing. Brett also clearly trusts and respects Casey to open up to him about her birth mom.
On P.D., we mentioned Ruzek and Burgess finally being on the same page about their unborn child and making steps in moving their relationship forward (in a platonic way). How will losing the baby affect the progress that they have made? Only time will tell.
MED‘s Dr Manning appears on FIRE when fire victims Tim and Gail are taken to Med. Casey and Brett watch on as she tells Tim that Gail did not survive.
The ONE CHICAGO line up airs Wednesday nights on NBC; beginning with CHICAGO MED, followed by CHICAGO FIRE and concluding with CHICAGO P.D..
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