A Million Little Things: The Kiss
A Million Little Things is back with a three month time jump but no less drama!
Here is a synopsis for season two, episode 10: The Kiss
It’s been three months since Delilah and Eddie revealed the truth about their affair, and Sophie continues to rebel against her mother. Maggie, Gary and the gang gather for the opening night of Danny’s play, and Rome and Regina take steps toward adopting a baby.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode:
Danny is a complete saint – I can’t believe how accepting and adult he’s being about everything, especially when Sophie is still so upset. I love that he told Gary off for his behavior. Theo is also showing a maturity beyond his years.
Are middle school musicals that elaborate these days? It also seems like Grease is an interesting choice for middle school – seems a little racy!
Boy, Eddie is really on a truth-telling mission these days. Definitely better that all the lies! Taking responsibility for his actions works well for him. I also can’t believe how well Katherine and Delilah are getting along. I guess it’s an easier and less painful pathway for everyone to just accept the whole situation and co-parent. While Delilah’s family is struggling, Katherine, Eddie and Theo seem to be better than they’ve been in a long time, perhaps since before the show started. I hope that Lindsay doesn’t upset the mix.
Ugh, I’m hating the “new Gary”. We knew he could be like this – he picked up Maggie at a support group and then took her to the bathroom! – but seeing it come roaring back when he’d become my favorite character is painful. I’m surprised that Maggie is still hanging on around the edges of the group. What the heck is up with Eric – who the hell is he? He’s obviously not who he says he is. Whoever he is, he’s clearly in it for the long game as he’s been hanging around for months.
I love where Rome and Regina are right now – having honest discussions with each other, both on the same team.
“The cesspool that is dating in Boston” – this quote from Maggie made me chuckle, as I am 1) single and 2) live outside of Boston.
RELATED: A Million Little Things
I have to agree with you Cay that Danny and Theo are both acting much more adult than Sophie at this point. Truth be told, however, I acted very much like Sophie at that age when a member of my family did something very similar. I was incessant with my anger toward them, and held onto that anger way longer than I should have. Hopefully Sophie will find a way to come to terms with it all.
I’m really hating this version of Gary. Just like you Cay, he became my favorite – all thanks to how much he changed with having Maggie in his life. His appointment with the doctor solidified how much he has slide back into the Gary from before that support group met up with Maggie. I don’t like that Gary at all! I don’t even think that incident with the gun-toting stop-sign guy will make him realize his anger is going to get him hurt. From the clips for the next episode, that anger gets him arrested. Oh man!
I, too, don’t want to see Eddie’s sister cause any problems within his family because they are in such a better place than they’ve ever been since the show debuted. At the very least, though, they are all, even Theo, aware of Aunt Lindsay’s problem, and hopefully if she’s introduced – which seems likely because they wouldn’t have brought her up if she wasn’t going to be brought into the story at some point – the three of them can rely on each other to deal with whatever crazy she ends up bringing into their lives.
I think we’ve both known that something wasn’t right with Eric. Gary saw it – of course that was more out of jealousy than anything – but he still saw something wasn’t right about him. But what is the deal? He doesn’t have Maggie’s brother’s heart so did his deceased girlfriend get the heart and Eric, for some reason, used that as a way to connect with Maggie’s mom. But for what reason? You know it’s going to be some kind of crazy backstory, right?
I don’t know much about show musical’s these days, but you have a valid point, Cay. I don’t remember that many kids in middle school being able to sing that well. A stand out here or there, but not that many NOR were our school musicals that well put together.
Lastly, honesty really seemed to be at the core of this episode, and I’m so happy that Regina and Rome are on the same page, and working so hard to prove they would be great parents to the social worker. I just want to see Rome continue down the path that he’s on, and for them to get good news from social services about their wanting to adopt.
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand]
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A new episode of A Million Little Things will air on Thursday, January 30 at 10/9c on ABC.