Holiday Bingo: The Knight Before Christmas Edition
With Christmas just days away and some free time up my sleeve, this Nice Girl is pulling out her Nice Girls TV Holiday Movie Bingo cards and making her way through as many Christmas movies as she can. Over the next few days, I’ll be watching a collection of movies that have dropped this year plus a few that have dropped in recent years and sharing my viewing experience. There will be spoilers, so if you don’t want to be spoiled about the movie, then don’t read any further! With four different cards to play along with this year, you too can join in on the fun!
Kicking off my Holiday Movie Bingo Marathon is Netflix Original, The Knight Before Christmas. Dropping in November, this film sees a 14th-Century knight, Sir Cole Christopher Frederick (played by Josh Whitehouse), end up in modern-day Ohio courtesy of some medieval magic. He needs to complete his quest in order to return back to his time, but what that quest is, not even he knows! When Sir Cole lands in the future, he is taken in by school teacher Brooke (played by Vanessa Hudgens) after she accidentally hits him with her car and thinks she has given him amnesia when he claims he is a 14th-century knight. Brooke is wary of love after her last relationship ended badly, but in true holiday movie fashion, she finds herself falling for Sir Cole.
I randomly selected Holiday Movie Bingo Card #1, so here we go…
The first stamp on the card goes to: Character Has Holiday-Themed Name (Holly, Eve, Chris, Nick, etc.). Sir Cole’s full name is Sir Cole Christopher Frederick. Brooke’s surname is Winters, which is seasonal themed so let’s count that too.
Jingle Bells – About eight minutes in, Jingle Bells starts playing and again around the 25-minute mark.
Adorable Animal Or Child – Brooke’s niece, Claire, is pretty adorable. Her Christmas wish is to get a puppy and for her Aunt Brooke to get a boyfriend. Spoiler alert both of Claire’s Christmas wishes comes true.
Dead Parent – Both of Brooke and sister Madison’s parents have passed away.
Holiday Baked Goods – Sir Cole teaches Brooke how to make Yuletide bread.
Ex Surprises Character With Proposal/Promise To Change – Early on in the film, Brooke bonds with one of her students, Paige, who is upset because her boyfriend dumped her. As a result, she let her grades slip. Being the wiser and older adult that she is, Brooke tries to offer wisdom to Paige and let her know that the boy isn’t worth crying over and potentially messing up her future. Towards the end of the film, an excited Paige shares with Brooke that her ex came running back to her and that they’re back together.
Okay, so I didn’t have as much luck with this card. How did you guys go? Did you play along with one of the other three cards and have better luck than I did?
That’s one film down – onto the next one!
Nice Girls TV Holiday Movie Bingo 2019 Cards
The Knight Before Christmas Preview