
Holiday Bingo: A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby Edition

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With Christmas just days away and some free time up my sleeve, this Nice Girl is pulling out her Nice Girls TV Holiday Movie Bingo cards and making her way through as many Christmas movies as she can. Over the next few days I’ll be watching a collection of movies that have dropped this year and some that have dropped in recent years and sharing my viewing experience. There will be spoilers, so if you don’t want to be spoiled about the movie. Don’t read any further! With four different cards to play along with this year, you too can join in on the fun!

Next in my Holiday Movie Bingo Marathon is Netflix Original, A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby. Dropping earlier this month, the third film in the A Christmas Prince franchise sees us return to Aldovia where Queen Amber and King Richard are expecting their first child. That’s not the only important thing happening in Aldovia – a treaty with neighboring country Penglia is due to be signed by both nations, but the night before it is meant to be signed, the treaty goes missing from the Aldovia castle. The treaty must be found by midnight Christmas Eve otherwise not only will the 600 years of peace between the two nations come to an end, but there’ll be a curse placed on Aldovia’s first born – aka the soon to arrive royal baby! You wouldn’t be wrong in thinking that this plot is far fetched, but boy did it make for some interesting viewing as we played Holiday Movie Bingo! For this film, I randomly selected Holiday Movie Bingo Card #3. Here we go…

The opening scene already has me stamping my card thanks to Lead Character Wears Red, with Queen Amber shown wearing red as she’s blogging.

Not even 5 minutes in and I’m marking a second category on my card, Holiday Decorating, as the royal family decorate their Christmas tree. We’re off to a great start!

Secondary Characters Find Love Too – Simon and Amber’s bestie, Melissa, are together? Say what now? She’s here for the holidays guys, so it’s serious. Despite the misunderstandings throughout the film, they’re in it for the long haul when Simon proposes at the end of the film and Melissa accepts.

Mission to Save Business/Landmark + Family Business in Jeopardy – The treaty going missing on Aldovian territory and will reignite a war if it’s not found by midnight Christmas Eve puts Aldovia’s future in jeopardy. Pretty important royal and family business, so that marks off two spots on this bingo card!

It Snows on Christmas – Does snowing right before Christmas Day count? That leaves snow for Christmas. Depending on how technical we want to get while playing, I’m lightly marking this on my card in case it counts.

Dead Parent – As the arrival of the Royal Baby draws closer, Queen  Amber wishes that her mom was there to guide her through it.

Christmas Caroling – ‘Hark the Herald Angels’ is performed at the baby shower. Christmas carols are later performed at the Aldovia Christmas Market.

Small Town Festival – Do we count the Aldovia Christmas Market as a small town festival? It’s pretty festive and seems to be a small town/nation tradition. I’m lightly marking this too and if it does count, that is a BINGO!

Another film down! What shall I watch and play along with next?


Holiday Bingo: The Knight Before Christmas Edition
Nice Girls TV Holiday Movie Bingo 2019 Cards
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby Preview

Ange is the Girl from Oz who travelled the States. Teen dramas, rom-comedies and superhero shows are her weakness. She also loves a good crime and medical drama and probably watches more TV than she can handle... You can contact her at