A Million Little Things: Time Stands Still
There was a lot of emotion on A Million Little Things this week!
Here is a synopsis for season two, episode 9: Time Stands Still
Rome helps PJ through a personal crisis, while Gary and Maggie’s relationship takes a turn; and Delilah, Eddie and Katherine make tough decisions that will affect their families.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on the fall finale:
Holy cow there was a lot going on in this episode! I almost don’t know where to start…but I’d say it all came down to secrets. The secret that Barbara and Mitch kept from PJ that mirrored what is going on between Eddie and Delilah. The secret that Gary was keeping from Maggie and everyone else – except Regina – about losing his job. And the big secret revealed to Sophie and Danny by their mom Delilah that resulted in that destructive ending of Sophie destroying Eddie’s guitars. Could see that one coming quite honestly.
But first, let’s talk about Gary and Maggie. The show opened with Gary’s adorable efforts to be supportive of Maggie’s possibly leaving for England. I especially loved her comment, “it’s like I’m dating the chimney sweep from Mary Poppins.” Gary’s quite good at the accents too. Unfortunately, that came to a screeching halt at the end of the episode when Maggie asked Gary about that engagement ring, which devolved into their relationship imploding. I can understand Maggie wanting to know who she is now that she’s in remission, but at the same time I can see Gary’s need to know that Maggie is committed to their relationship. I was upset to see Gary walk out, and worse yet leave with that woman at the bar (not again, Gary!), but I was more troubled by Maggie having Eric help her move back into her apartment and that ominous conversation Eric had with some mystery person. Like I’ve said before I love Jason Ritter, but I’m not too happy about his character being in Maggie’s life.
The one bright spot in the episode, after that incredibly tense talk-down by Rome to PJ, was Regina telling Rome that she would be okay with adopting a child. I just hope that she can hold up her end of the deal, and don’t want to back out when the reality of adopting comes into play. I also liked that Gary had been visiting Enid, the real owner of Wesley aka Colin, helping her with tasks around the house and even decorating; and, of course, she knew that the dog wasn’t her dog, but she loved him anyway. It wasn’t the right thing to switch out the dogs (even if it was a win-win for the homeless dog), but at least she wasn’t overly upset about it all.
Given all that happened with PJ and his parents, I was expecting Delilah to sign the papers for Eddie and telling Sophie and Danny the truth. I’m kind of glad that we didn’t have to hear her tell the kids, as their reactions said enough – especially what Sophie did to Eddie’s guitars. This whole storyline is not going to resolve itself easily, and I feel bad for little Theo whose gonna get stuck in the middle of this very adult situation.
Theo is what really struck me – how do you explain something like this to a kid that age? Bad enough Sophie and Danny. And I am with you completely – Sophie’s reaction was pretty much what you’d expect and I’m sure she’s not going to get over it quickly. Maybe she can find comfort in PJ who apparently is no longer her half brother?
What was up with the lawyer that Katherine hired? He does not seem like someone that she’d be involved with and he also seemed to talk to them like she wasn’t a lawyer and had no idea what they were considering.
I’ve always gotten the idea that PJ didn’t have a very good childhood and that Barbara and Mitch weren’t necessarily very good parents, but the scene with Barbara and Mitch seemed to belie that so I’m not sure what to think. The scene on the roof was pretty intense. I wondered what was coming when the episode started with a trigger warning, something I don’t think that we’ve seen since the first episode.
I’m glad to see Rome and Regina in a good place together. Adopting seems like a great thing for them to do…and opens the door for plenty of additional drama.
Maggie frustrates me sometimes – so ironic that she is a psychologist but seems to jerk around Gary’s feelings so frequently. Did I miss where they told us WHY Gary lost his job? I hate to see him hurting so much when he’s often the glue that holds the group together. I also hate seeing him picking up women at a bar because he can to try to make himself feel better. And then there is Maggie running to Eric and his convo – what’s up with that? My first thought is that he is some sort of con artist and doesn’t actually have her brother’s heart…or maybe he does and is still a con artist, but I jumped right away to him being some sort of villain.
Overall, this was a pretty dark episode!
Rueben: Gary made a comment to Regina, I believe it was her, that he was taking too much time off from work because Maggie was in chemotherapy, et al.
RELATED: A Million Little Things
[Photo Credit: (ABC)]
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A Million Little Things will return on Thursday, January 23 at the new time of 10/9c on ABC.