Batwoman Roundtable: The Rabbit Hole

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Batwoman episode 102: The Rabbit Hole

Kate is determined to prove to her father that Alice is really her long-lost sister, Beth. She tries to enlist a reluctant Sophie and Luke to help her.  The Gotham gossip kicks up into high gear when she is spotted around town in the Batsuit and things get complicated when she tries to right what she sees as a past wrong. Then, in a shocking reveal, we find out that Alice/Beth isn’t the only one in the family who is not who she seems.

Join NiceGirls Lisa and Cay as they discuss the episode using our feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):


Lisa: Sophia got on my nerves in this episode by betraying Kate’s trust. Kate shared with her that she was going to try to meet Alice at their favorite childhood spot, and Sophia ran her mouth to Kate’s father. Ugh…she should have kept it to herself.

Cay: Kate and Sophie getting Alice’s knife taken back from them that easily. You would think they’d be a bit more careful with it and/or that the Crows would have a more secure parking garage!


Lisa: Everytime Kate puts on the bat suit it is pretty awesome! She kicks ass! I especially liked the scene underwater with Alice that was a bit of a re-do of the scene where Alice drowns in the car. That scene was shot beautifully and that blast under water was powerful. Oh and there is Luke. I love a smart blerd! I am becoming a bigger fan of his each week.

Cay: Yep! I also loved her using all the tools that Luke told her to not touch. And using them well, no less. I love how she walks around the Batcave like she owns the place.


Lisa: Kate’s father is so-so to me. It bothers me that he doesn’t appear to have faith in Kate or trust her instincts. What harm would it cause to just get the damn DNA test to find out if Alice really is her twin?

Cay: It’s predictable, but also annoying. But, we got some idea of what both his life and Kate’s were like in the aftermath of the car going over that bridge. Maybe he just needs to protect himself mentally from the truth.


Lisa: This episode was solid. It was stronger than the pilot and continues to be a great start to the season. I’m loving it!

Cay: What the what is up with Mary’s mom/Kate’s stepmother’s connection with Alice/The Rabbits? Didn’t see that coming, although she certainly hasn’t been a likable character so far.

On a totally different note, all the promo pics have her wearing a red wig, but we haven’t seen that yet, and it really doesn’t seem like Kate’s thing. Maybe something she dons later to make it clear that she’s not BatMAN?

Batwoman airs on Sunday nights at 8pm on the CW.

Cay's family thinks her obsession with pop culture is "not normal". Normal is boring!