Dragon Con Parade 2019- Where to watch it…even in your home!

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The Dragon Con Parade is legendary and continues to grow each year. The parade is on Saturday, August 31 at 10am EDT and will run about two hours. Thousands of people will gather downtown  Atlanta for the cities largest parade to see some of the nation’s best cosplay on display. It is free and open to the public (no badge required). If you are going to the Dragon Con parade click here for more information and see the map below. If you can’t make it to Dragon Con this year, it’s all good because there are two ways you can watch it from home! You definitely don’t want to miss it because the cosplay is the best!


  1. If you live in Atlanta, you can watch the Parade live on Atlanta’s CW 69 at 10am EDT. They will rebroadcast the parade at 10pm EDT.  Set your DVR!!
  2. The second option is to live steam the parade at at 10am EDT!

Have fun watching the parade! Make sure to keep up with us on Twitter during Dragon Con @NiceGirlsTv @Lisa_NGTV and if you are at the con say hello!

To purchase a membership/badge for Dragon Con click here.

Can’t attend Dragon Con this year but still want to join in on the fun? Learn about their $10 streaming membership here.

About Dragon Con

Dragon Con is the internationally known pop culture convention held each Labor Day Weekend (August 29 -September 2, 2019) in Atlanta. Organized for fans, Dragon Con features more than 3,500 hours of comics, film, television, costuming, art, music, and gaming over five days. For more information, please visit .

Lisa lives in Atlanta and is our connection to all things Hollywood South. She is an Actor, VO Artist, Co-host of the Friends & Fiction Official Book Club with Brenda and Lisa. A true social butterfly who loves to read, dance and geek out out with friends. Her favorite shows include Queen Sugar, Power, Riverdale, Bridgerton, Wednesday, Black Lightning, Lucifer, Grown-ish, True Blood, Ghost Brothers and Veronica Mars. Email her at and follow her on Instagram and TikTok @LisaGetsLit.