Comic Con
Comic-Con 2019 Day 2: Veronica Mars, Supergirl, Karaoke and More from San Diego
Y’all, if you thought the Nice Girls killed it at Comic-Con on Thursday, wait until you see their Friday adventures!
Veronica Mars
Listen, 90% of the Nice Girls are die-hard, OG Veronica Mars fans so there was no way today wasn’t going to be all about the revival. Our totally fangirly panel report and a pile of photos – including Roz’s selfies with members of the cast – is posted here.
After the panel, Lisa headed over to Petco Park where Hulu was giving out Marshmallow Investigations treats and had a photo op set up.
Karaoke: Carpool and Syfy Varieties
Lisa was all about the karaoke on Friday!
From Lisa: A super fun part of the day was the Carpool Karaoke booth. My friend Karma, from Second Union, and I sang N*Sync’s “Bye Bye Bye” and we got to sit in the Range Rover and sing with the new Carpool Karaoke microphone. It was a good time!
On Friday night, I got to ride the Syfy Karaoke Bus and sing with Orlando Jones! We rode around the Gaslamp District singing songs on top of a bus and it was so much fun! They gave us ’90s themed candy and a t-shirt and we all sang and danced on the bus. I was lucky enough to sing TLC’s “No Scrubs” with Orlando. It was epic!
Warner Bros. Party
Cay and Mynda attended the exclusive Warner Bros. Press Party where they got to hang out with talent from several WB shows like Supergirl and, yes, Veronica Mars! Here are few snaps of Cay hobnobbing with the stars.