ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Tell Me the Truth”, CHICAGO FIRE “No Such Thing as Bad Luck” and CHICAGO P.D. “This City” Episode Round-up
Before CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE and CHICAGO P.D. all return with new episodes this week, let’s break down what happened in the previous episodes of the ONE CHICAGO franchise.
Comings & Goings

CHICAGO P.D. — “This City” Episode 618 — Pictured: (l-r) Jason Beghe as Sgt. Hank Voight, Wendell Pierce as Ray Price– (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein)
It was a family affair on MED with Dr Charles’ daughter Robin and ex wife still in town, Ethan’s sister Emily was also in town with her newborn son Vincent (named after their grandfather) and Connor’s dad also popped up and wasted no time throwing shade during a board meeting. FBI agent Ingrid also popped up and we wouldn’t be surprised if we see her again – not just because she lives in Dr Halstead’s neighborhood. 😉 Over on FIRE, Boden’s high school flame who he hasn’t seen in 30 years happens to be the victim of a call and we also get to see his wife and son make an appearance. Then on P.D., Superintendent Kelton and Alderman Price are once again clashing and Voight’s caught in the crossfire.
Risky Business
On MED the stakes are high when Dr Rhodes gets a call in the middle of an important surgery and is told that ex Robin has been kidnapped and if Rhodes gets the cops involved, they’ll kill her. Rhodes flees from surgery, leaving Bekker, Gwen and Goodwin baffled by what is going on.
On FIRE, there’s a call involving an old friend of Boden’s. After the call, Severide and Casey realize that not all the facts add up and suspect that the woman has been lying. They share their concerns with Boden, which in itself is a bold move. He’s adamant that she’s not doing anything shady and he’s right – in the end it turns out that she’s been covering for her troubled son who needs to seek professional help.
On P.D., Atwater and Upton take a woman under their wing after she witnesses her sister being shot as a result of gang violence. The witness is hesitant to come forward but eventually does. Atwater, reminded of the situation with his younger brother, which lead to his siblings leaving town for their own safety, questions the witness as to whether she really wants to go ahead with it. She tells him that it sounds like he’s trying to talk her out of speaking up and he straight up admits maybe he is. Is Atwater letting his personal feelings cloud his judgement? In the end, the witness decides that the consequences of not saying anything and having that guilt stay with her is far worse than the danger she could potentially face.
Tension in the Air

CHICAGO MED — “Tell Me The Truth” Episode 418 — Pictured: Torrey DeVitto as Dr. Natalie Manning — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
As if things weren’t already strained enough between Rhodes and Bekker on MED, she’s even more peeved when he’s selected to perform surgery on a VIP instead of her. She ends up taking over when Rhodes dashes out to save Robin. Post surgery, Goodwin comments “looks like it all worked out for her” and we’re pretty sure Rhodes is on the same page as us when we say ‘WE BET IT DID’. It seriously wouldn’t us if Bekker was involved with the hoax kidnapping plan. Too much?
That’s not the only tension happening on MED. We’re privy to a tense board meeting that has Papa Rhodes throwing shade at Gwen and her “pet projects”, which in turn has her throwing shade back at him and the Hybrid OR, as well as trying to throw Goodwin under the bus and try to pressure her into making more budget cuts. When Dr Rhodes leaves in the middle of the VIP patient’s surgery, you can imagine that she is less than impressed. We also have Dr Choi and Dr Manning disagreeing on how to handle a teenage patient who is trying to hide her abortion from her parents. Goodwin ends up having to play referee between the two doctors – seriously guys, this isn’t kindergarten!
Over on FIRE, there’s tension between Severide and Cruz after the lieutenant feels like the firefighter disobeyed his orders in favor of showing off. Severide asked him to hand him a certain tool during a call and instead Cruz got him the Slamigan. Yes, it did the trick but the senior firefighter gave orders for a reason. This talking down gives Cruz a bit of an ego check. Earlier that day he was told he was going to receive a special commendation for his involvement in assisting Intelligence recently and a now humbled Cruz decides to keep the info on the downlow. Aww.
Another gang war, another situation that has Superintendent Kelton and Alderman Price clashing and Voight dragged into the situation. Matters aren’t helped when Kelton calls a press conference and draws attention to the fact that Intelligence have a witness helping them solve the case. Voight is understandably frustrated but has to play the long game and not get too rash over Kelton’s sabotage. I’ll be glad when this Kelton storyline is done and dusted, that’s for sure!
Undercover Antics
On P.D. we see Ruzek playing the role of a junkie looking to score in order to real a suspect in.
Romance Roundup

CHICAGO MED — “Tell Me The Truth” Episode 418 — Pictured: Brian Tee as Dr. Ethan Choi — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)
The latest episode of MED opened up with Dr Charles getting all nostalgic over “good times” with ex wife, but she pretty much shuts him down by telling him that he’s rewriting history and those good times he’s recalling, he was depressed throughout most of them. Also not having much luck with their ex is Dr Choi. When April shows up with a new haircut, Choi takes it as an opportunity to follow up on the plans they apparently made. She tells him something came up and when he offers to reschedule, she gently shuts him down. He takes offence and thinks she has cut her hair because of a new guy – partly true, the new guy is his nephew! Turns out his sister Emily is back in town and has been staying with April but didn’t want Choi to know since he has a tendency to get all judgy. At least he knows April turning him down wasn’t because she’s seeing someone else! Speaking of Emily, things aren’t going so great for her in the romance department. She’s back in town because baby daddy Bernie is trying to make things work with his wife. Ouch.
On the more positive side of things, Nat admits to Maggie that she’s still seeing Phillip and that things are going well. Maggie is still Team Red aka Halstead, but it looks like he’s getting closer to FBI agent Ingrid. He even admits to Ingrid that he’s not good at letting people in – that alone is probably more vulnerability than we saw him share with his former fiance.
On FIRE, Severide is still carrying a torch for Kidd and isn’t exactly being subtle in covering those feelings. First Otis comments to Kidd that Severide only stays til closing at Molly’s on the nights that Kidd works. She tells him it’s just a coincidence but then later asks the girls if they’ve noticed Severide hanging around more. Foster certainly has, so much to the point that she quietly confronts Severide about it at Molly’s. Severide admits that he and Kidd were good together and that he can’t get her off his mind. Foster, ever the voice of reason points out that they broke up for a reason and unless he can step up and be better for Kidd, he needs to back off. Low and behold, during Kidd’s next shift, Severide is nowhere to be found.
Also on FIRE, Boden and his wife Donna are going through a bit of a rough patch, disagreeing on how to discipline their young son. He thinks she coddles the boy and she thinks he’s too tough on the young child. Thankfully they make up by the episode’s end.
On P.D. Burgess and political consultant Blair are still a thing but looks like the end is near seeing as he’ll be gone in three weeks. Burgess tells Upton she’s fine with it as they were only ever going to be a temporary no strings attached fling. She might want to re-examine that stance though when Blair tells her his next assignment will see him sticking around in Chicago. The look on her face tells us she’s just as uncertain as we are about where their thing is heading. Hmm…
All the Feels

CHICAGO FIRE — “No Such Thing As Bad Luck” Episode 718 — Pictured: Joe Minoso as Joe Cruz — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Despite the tension between the two at work, FIRE‘s Severide and Cruz had us ‘aww’ing when Severide shows up at Cruz’s special commendation ceremony to present him with the pin and make a kind speech. We also loved that Brett was there to show her support and so obviously proud of Cruz. We love their friendship!
On P.D., Upton was pulling on our heartstrings for a different reason. When she tries to connect with a witness to try and get her to come forward, the witness drops a truth bomb on Upton telling her that she doesn’t understand the situation and that cops just let killers walk free, particularly in cases involving black lives. Upton doesn’t try to deny that truth but also tells the witness that it’s hard when witnesses such as herself won’t co-operate and come forward – both sides need to be better and do more. The witness does end up agreeing to testify but unfortunately things don’t go as planned no thanks to Kelton and the witness needs to be sent out of town for her own protection. She is less than impressed with Upton and you can tell that Upton feels remorse for not being able to follow through on her word. We felt pretty bad for Upton and her good intentions in this episode.
Crossover Count

CHICAGO FIRE — “No Such Thing As Bad Luck” Episode 718 — Pictured: (l-r) Joe Minoso as Joe Cruz, Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
When Robin is “kidnapped” on MED, Dr Charles calls P.D.‘s Platt Trudy and asks to get Voight on the case. Although we don’t see either, Ruzek later pops up to confirm that the kidnapping and ransom was all a scam. On FIRE, P.D.‘s Halstead pops up to let Cruz know that he’s going to be awarded a special commendation and that Voight was the one who nominated him.
Worth Mentioning

CHICAGO FIRE — “No Such Thing As Bad Luck” Episode 718 — Pictured: (l-r) Annie Ilonzeh as Emily Foster, Miranda Rae Mayo as Stella Kidd, Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Brett teaching Foster and Kidd how to line dance during FIRE was cute – loving the emphasis on their friendship this season! Also the ginger whiskey speciality cocktail at Molly’s sounds delicious and I’d like to try it!
On P.D., who was the mysterious Ginny calling Burgess’s beau and why was he declining their call? Is she his boss that reassigned him or is she a romantic interest? Also, the cop’s comment about social media being a crux of violence but also a tool to stop it was pretty spot on right?
CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO P.D. and CHICAGO FIRE air Wednesday nights on NBC.
INTERVIEW: CHICAGO FIRE’s Joe Minoso talks Cruz’s journey, ONE CHICAGO family, Nice Boys and more
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Can’t Unring That Bell”, CHICAGO FIRE “It Wasn’t About Hockey” and CHICAGO P.D. “Ties That Bind” Episode Round-up
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “Who Can You Trust”, CHICAGO FIRE “You Choose” and CHICAGO P.D. “Trust” Episode Round-up
ONE CHICAGO: CHICAGO MED “All the Lonely People”, CHICAGO FIRE “Inside These Walls” and CHICAGO P.D. “Brotherhood” Episode Round-up