KILLING EVE, SEASON 2: Thoughts on the Premiere
When we last left Eve Polastri and Villanelle in Killing Eve, Season 1, Eve had just stabbed Villanelle.
It’s 30 seconds later… for them.
The premiere episode for the second season debuted tonight. Here’s what we thought about the episode. Let us know what you think.
And if you haven’t watched it yet, this is your SPOILER ALERT! Read at your own risk!
This week on Killing Eve:
Eve is reeling from her act of violence against Villanelle and doesn’t know whether she is alive or dead. A paranoid and severely-injured Villanelle manages to get herself to the hospital for treatment. Carolyn approaches Eve with an intriguing opportunity.
Christie: The first episode reminds us of two things.
1. Villanelle’s understanding of moral right and wrong is severely broken. What she does at the end of the episode is not surprising at all, and in her mind it was totally the right and merciful thing to do. She did it at the goodness of her heart. That’s scary.
2. Eve has not, nor has she ever been, normal. And her understanding of what normal is, is severely broken, and that is on full display. And oh — there are many ways to be a junkie, Eve. Many ways.
Cara: One of the things I love the most about this show is the slight humor that keeps the show from becoming bleak or grim. Eve’s conversation with a telemarketer was just so….Eve. The slightly morbid humor of Villanelle as she interacts with others is what really humanizes her for me.That moment when she embraces the grieving wife was so wrong, and so hilarious. The way Jodie Comer uses facial expressions to show us what’s going on inside Villanelle’s face is one of my favorite things about her. She can mimic care and concern, but there’s always a bit of a smirk peaking through. And her utter exasperation at all the emotions she has to deal with is just real enough to let us relate to her. And, clothes that are too small is always fun.
Christie: There’s nothing I can think of that is bad. It’s such a great episode.
Cara: I’m with you. The only thing I didn’t like was the commercial breaks.
Christie: There are a lot of moments that might qualify. I’m going to go with the morgue scene though. These ladies eating burgers and drinking alcohol amid a dead body like it’s nothing. And the whole, “the formaldehyde makes you crave meat” thing? I want to be a vegetarian now!
Cara: It’s true, there was so much to love. For me it was probably watching Villanelle interact with Hugo. “Well, your parents are dead” in particular. Hugo clearly liked or admired her, and he even appreciated her blunt honesty. The moment before she leaves him though…wow. It was so in character for her, and yet still so shocking.
Christie: Killing Eve is back in usual funny, scary, creepy form. I can’t wait to see Villanelle’s journey back to Eve, and Eve’s descent into madness.
Cara: This return is everything I hoped for. I hadn’t gone back to rewatch season 1 before tonight, but now I’ve got to. I want to know where Eve goes from here, and I can’t wait to see how Villanelle finds her there. Man I wish I could binge this season all in one go.
Killing Eve airs Sunday 8/7c on BBC America and AMC.