THIS IS US: “Her” Revelations and Questions
Last night, NBC’s THIS IS US wrapped up its third season. In typical THIS IS US fashion, the show produced answers to some things that we had been hanging out to know, but also produced more questions as the show goes on hiatus. Personally, I spent a lot of this season feeling like something was missing – was it because I had grown accustomed to bawling my eyes out during every single episode in season two? However, by the end of this season’s finale, the feels were back courtesy of Deja Randalling Randall with her speech, Kevin and Tess’ heart to heart, Randall and Beth finding their groove again and more. I’m ready for season four! Before then though, let’s go through down the revelations and aftermath questions from ‘Her’.
The Revelations
Beth and Randall make up – With a bit of interference from Deja, Randall realizes that being councilman isn’t worth potentially losing Beth. He hypothetically asks his campaign manager Jae-wan what would happen if he quit. At the same time, Beth comes to realization that she wants to open up her own dance studio and what the heck, why doesn’t the whole family just move to Philadelphia and save Randall the commute? Philly after all has spaces where Beth can open her own studio. (Why it took them this long to come to this conclusion is beyond me…) In the flash forward, Beth and Randall are still married. Thank god!
The Pearsons are on the move – Not only do we have Randall, Beth and the girls moving to Philly, Miguel and Rebecca are looking at places in California – preferably within five minutes distance of Kate and Toby so they can just pop in whenever, and then Kevin announces he’s also back in California indefinitely.
Kevin and Zoe split because hey, he does want kids – Kevin said he was fine with not having kids if it meant being with Zoe, but after watching her interact so well with Annie and Tess, he thinks she could change her mind on the subject. Wrong, she’s never going to budge and as much as they love each other, she can see that he wants kids some day and deserves that. So she does the mature thing and calls it quits.
Baby Jack pulls through – It’s been touch and go ever since young Jack was born 12 weeks early. At 2 weeks old, he can finally start to breathe on his own and by the end of the episode, despite a moment of panic where he stopped breathing, little Jack Pearson Damon is strong enough to finally go home! Jack is also mentioned by Toby in the flashforward, further easing our fears that he wasn’t going to pull through. Phew!
Rebecca is the engine of the family – When patriarch Jack died, we saw how the family struggled to move on and keep it together. In the flashbacks of this episode, Rebecca is involved in a minor car accident and has to stay in hospital overnight. Even a night away from her family sends them into a tailspin and Jack and the kids end up coming back to the hospital to stay with Rebecca because she is the one that keeps them running. In the flashforward, it is once again Rebecca who brings them all together.
The Questions
So those were the revelations from this episode and now we have a ton of questions, including:
- Why is Nicky the one by elderly Rebecca’s bedside in the flashforward? Why and how did he reconnect with the family and also become close to Rebecca? Is there as a family member or something more?
- Where is Miguel? Is he dead? Did he and Rebecca split up?
- Where is Kate? Is she dead? Did she and Toby split up? Is she part of the “they’re” that Toby is referring to when he mentioned that Jack said “they’re on their way”?
- Seriously, why did it seem like Toby was estranged from the family? Why was he not wearing his wedding ring in the previous flash forward?
- Where is Annie? What is she up to? Same with Deja? Is she a motivational speaker or life coach in the future? Okay I can kind of get why Deja may not be gathered with the rest of the family to see Rebecca but what’s Annie’s reason, especially if Tess is there?
- What does future Kevin look like? We know he’s still alive and around because his young son mentions that Kevin forgot to stock the house with food – seems very Kevin like.
- Speaking of Kevin’s son, um hello, what’s the deal with that? I get that there’s not really an age limit on when men can stop reproducing but we want details on how Kevin has a young son, including who is the baby mama! Is it Sophie? Zoe? (probs not tbh) Someone entirely new that we’ve never met before? Surrogacy? Adoption?
- What is wrong with Rebecca? Is it dementia? Alzheimers? Something else?
- How did the move pan out for Randall, Beth and the girls? Did it miraculously solve the problems Randall and Beth were having? Were there more rough patches?
- Is Randall still councilman in the future? If not, how long did he last? Was he able to make the difference that he aspired to make?
- In the present, will Kevin temporarily become a Manny for Kate and Toby while he finds his own place?
- Are we ever going to find out how Rebecca and Miguel came together and ended up married?
THIS IS US will hopefully return in the fall on NBC. Technically the show hasn’t officially been renewed for next season, but we’re pretty optimistic!
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