DEADLY CLASS: More thoughts on Kids of the Black Hole
Deadly Class is all new tomorrow (with the season finale) and we are still thinking about last week’s episode, “Kids of the Black Hole”. We did a rewatch and wanted to share some extra thoughts.
All you need to start your own band is a banjo, those things people used to wash clothes on in the 1300’s, jugs to blow in and a dildo used like a kick drum. So, you guessed it, we’re back in Shabnam’s parents’ house which is now Chester’s Kennel. Get it? It’s a dog joke. Too soon? They’re having a, “wee good ol’ time, yeehaw!”, I say with straw in my mouth. Of course, the real talent is Chester in his tighty whiteys playing a guitar with the spotlight on him. Did you know he (the actor playing Chester can actually play the guitar AND he wrote the score for the song?! Tom Stevens (Chester) is a man of many talents. He truly is a “shandy man”. Love a good character development.
Does anyone remember the first episode where Brandi passed Marcus a note in class and Mr. Linn broke her nose? Well Saya learned nothing from that and passes Marcus a note in class letting him know to get the “Vegas crew” together to have a meeting. Maria does not like this. She, Marcus’ actual girlfriend, saves Marcus’ beautiful nose.
Mr. Linn is preaching in class about how you can’t be an assassin and have friends or loved ones, but Mr. Linn is always (not really) two steps ahead of a bunch of teenagers. “Emotions are chemical mirrorites that will betray you. Leave you exposed.” Like when you tell that story about how your daughter died which exposes the fact that she didn’t actually die…. A life lesson that Mr. Linn never took seriously either. It shows too because he has lost his damn mind if he thinks Brandi and Viktor are going to be able to kill Mr. Linn’s sister. She is actually the one that is two steps ahead and I’m guessing is who told Chico’s dad where Linn’s family lives. Saya was supposed to be guarding the house, but she felt joining six other people to help take down Chester was more important. Ok, girl.
Poor Mr. Linn, his wife gets killed right in front of him and his daughter, but the good news is Mr. Linn may have gotten away with his daughter in tow. We’ll have to wait for the finale for that answer.
“Everything that I’m willing to die for is right here.” Marcus is still hot, just in case you forgot.
Saya did some recon on Chester’s Kennel (we’re running with that) and the Vegas Crew is not convinced that this is a good idea. I don’t like to go head to head with a serial killer either, but hey, I’m not in assassin school. So, Willie is out. Saya is in charge for some reason. Maria is being put in timeout. Petra and the British bloke (I’m not good with names) are now replacing Willie, who isn’t a killer anyways so I’m not mad at this. He stood there and did nothing while some guys beat up this guy at the gas station… in front of the dude’s kids… Willie is not HBIC. Just the B.
Maria is still jealous of Saya. Shabnam is actually recording conversations that are being had in the room he shares with Marcus on a cassette player. Oh, the 80’s. A simpler time.
Saya takes lead, again, and tries to convince Willie to come back. Willie has something to say to this, his mom always called him Peter Pan because she thought he’d never grow up, but I think he misinterpreted that one. I think she was calling him Tinker Bell because he’s soft. He also thinks assassin school is changing everyone… Willie… sweetie… Saya’s rebuttal, “If you leave now, you will regret it for the rest of your life.”, but don’t worry because if Willie knows one thing about Peter Pan, it’s that he can’t become a pirate. I had to really think about that one for a minute, maybe he should rewatch that movie.
Saya is upset that she has forced her way into being in charge, but Marcus isn’t bowing at her feet. He has better things to do, like screw Maria… his girlfriend… how many times does someone have to remind Saya that he is not single. Marcus even thanks her for helping and she ruins the moment by letting him know she’s only helping him because he’s her pledge. He gives her an inch, she runs the other way. Well, I guess her running makes him want to run after her because he sees Maria drinking a bottle of vodka and crying in her room. Instead of comforting her, he makes his way to the rock and roll show to get explosives and to be right by Saya’s side. So romantic. I want to feel bad for Maria… but I just can’t.
“What made you change your mind?”, says Saya, “Just didn’t feel right leaving it all on your shoulders.”, says Marcus.
Saya is also swooning.
Marcus realizes that maybe he isn’t needed anymore so he says he’s going to head back. Not if Saya has anything to do with it. Honestly, it was just a good excuse to grab his hand. Game recognize game, Saya, I’m not mad at you. Alcohol gets involved, Saya and her pretty little head convinces Marcus to go and let loose and well, you can imagine what happens next.
Marcus says he had the time of his life while he and Saya are having very exciting amounts of eye contact. I am having the time of my life. Marcus calls Saya “dark and mysterious” and asks for a look inside her life. You can’t tell by Saya’s face, but she is jumping up and down like a little girl on the inside. “He likes me! He really likes me!” That’s what I’m imagining she’s saying to herself right now. And I am right because she has to dominate the situation by pushing him up against a wall before making out. It’s kinda awkward because Marcus is conflicted by the fact that Saya’s best friend is also his girlfriend and well he doesn’t really know what to do with his hands because touching is cheating, right? But he keeps kissing her back so I’m not sure what’s going on or how he is justifying this in his head.
Can we just go back to the fact that Saya could’ve had Marcus all along, but she decided to push him away?
Anyways, he figures it out and decides to spin her around, so she is now pressed against the wall.
Oh boy, they wake up in a park with their clothes off and his first thought is “I cheated on my girlfriend with a deadly assassin.” No, sweetie, you cheated on your assassin girlfriend with her assassin best friend. That’s the worst sex position I’ve ever heard of.
There’s this interesting montage where Marcus is talking to himself while running to the comic shop which is full of explosives and honestly the gist is: drunk, very drunk, had sex with Saya, Maria crying, sex with Saya.
Not much remorse, more so reasoning on how Saya is probably THE ONE. Yes, THE ONE who is ruining your life.
His recap of the night consists of very cute Saya, more of Maria crying and him telling Saya he loves her. We already knew this, but Saya seems thrilled. I can’t wait for Maria to kill one of them.
I wanted to skip this part, but Marcus just shit on himself and well that’s a great metaphor of where his life is going. To shit. But I get it, I can’t wait to shit myself over the finale. (kidding) (maybe)
You can follow along with our coverage of the show here.
DEADLY CLASS airs Wednesday 10/9c on SYFY