DEADLY CLASS: More thoughts on The Clampdown
Deadly Class is all new tomorrow and we are still thinking about last week’s episode, “The Clampdown”. We did a rewatch and wanted to share some extra thoughts.
That journal Marcus thought was a good idea… it was not. His roommate brought it to the headmaster (the dominatrix), but she didn’t seem interested enough to read it. Ok, girl.
Our little group of assassin school misfits are playing a good ol’ fashion game of monopoly and talking about capitalism. My favorite subject. Billie has a good point “You can’t make it to the top of the ladder unless you’re a sociopath.” I guess Billie is smarter than his goofy, awkward character allows him to be. His rebuttal? “because the ladder is made of humans.” Mic drop. Is this another jab at Ronald Reagan?
The show is really good at balancing light hearted yet dreary moods. Of course enter Saya to ruin it, like always. My god, figure out how to read a room. Are we surprised the only person she acknowledges is Marcus? No? Me either. Maria does not like this. Are we surprised? No? Me either.
Saya feels the need to speak to Marcus in private. She knows someone killed some of her crew last night… uh oh. I wonder why she doesn’t bring this up with the group. Her first conclusion? Chester killed her crew. And why would she think that? Not everything revolves around you, Saya.
Maria interrupts even though she says she doesn’t mean to interrupt. Did you know Marcus is her boyfriend? Saya, a terrible liar, claims she was just giving him some tips… like how to… duck… And then as soon as Saya walks back over to the group, she tells them the same thing she told Marcus.
Willie is the only one with emotional intelligence around here, besides our lovable, cannibalistic psychopath. Please do not ever confuse him with Chester. He lets Saya know she doesn’t always need to keep her guard up.
Maria, however, lacks a lot of things. She lets Marcus know she killed some of Saya’s crew thinking Marcus would be excited because she fixed their “problem”. Um, no Maria, you were the only one with a problem. Marcus is not excited (surprise) and she does not understand why (surprise).
Saya hears Maria is the one who did it. It’s just speculation, but Saya isn’t surprised. Guess what happens next? Chico’s friend tries to kill Saya… in assassin school… where the one rule is to not kill anyone that goes to that school.
The school is now in lockdown by those guys with the outfits that remind me of the Davinci Code. Uh oh, Mr. Linn is finally serious about this rule since Saya’s cousin, who was also a student at the school, is now dead. I wonder who he’s trying to impress. They’re in lockdown until he figures out who did it.
Maria is being, well, Maria. Good thing our resident head racist cheerleader Brandi is locked in the same room as Maria and Chico’s avenger. Especially since she doesn’t “speak Mexican”. Her words, not mine. She gets into bipolar Marias pretty little head and convinces her to attack Saya before Saya can attack her. I wonder why you would listen to someone who then calls your gang a bunch of savages. Though that can be considered a compliment today, we have to remember we’re in the 80’s where that is, in fact, an insult.
Petra (our resident goth) is in a love triangle that no one cares about. She initiates a threesome. You didn’t hear? That’s what everyone does when in a love triangle when you’re not interested in either of them.
Marcus is doing what he’s best at, picking locks. Whose room do you think he goes to first? I’ll give you one guess, it’s not Maria’s.
He gets caught and tortured like he always does. Linn plays Marcus a home video from Marcus’ childhood and suddenly he is encompassed by the scenes flashing before him. This is Linn’s version of water boarding. It doesn’t work though. Marcus answers every question while distracted and lies the whole time. “Are you dating Maria?” Marcus lies. “Who killed Chico?” Marcus lies. I don’t think I give him enough credit. “Did you kill the kids at the orphanage?” Marcus hesitates. Never mind. Mr. Linn finds his tell. Yes, it’s when he looks like a dear in headlights.
No one seems to understand the point of the lockdown because they continue to plot how to kill each other. I thought that self-control and discipline were an important part of being an assassin, but I guess not. I also thought in lock-down you didn’t get to go to lunch. I was wrong. They’re all together in the lunch room and they all have a weapon.
Saya’s actually surprised Maria isn’t going to let Saya kill her. And then they get separated by our least favorite dominatrix and well, I guess she knows everything. She even knows Maria is a “cancer spreading rapidly”. This is the only thing I have ever agreed with her about.
Marcus is still watching home videos with Mr. Linn. I love a good bonding moment. We don’t have time for that. Marcus is running out of Ronald Reagan killing time. Too bad Marcus, instead of focusing on killing Ronald Reagan, tells Mr. Linn everything. Where’s his honor? He didn’t learn to be loyal to your very own assassin girlfriend? Remind me not to date him.
Mr. Linn is also a narc and tells Chico’s dad EVERYTHING. He does not take it well. He let’s Mr. Linn know that he “can’t understand his pain, but he will.” See! That’s why you don’t do the right thing! Mr. Linn lets him know his threats are “unnecessary” that the head of a cartel has nothing to gain from it and then retells the story of how his family was killed. No one believes you Mr. Linn, please retire that story. The response? A handshake. My interpretation? A hit is going to be put out regardless.
Saya has to make herself known so she shows up to Maria’s execution to save her. Instead she gets attacked by her own crew member and then is told that she picked the wrong side. Saya and Maria have a moment. Maria ruins the moment. Saya is confused. Are we sure Saya isn’t bipolar as well?
Lest we forget about Petra, her threesome does not go as planned. Poor Billie doesn’t want to share the love of his life.
“Gay panic” gets in the way of Petra’s threesome. Again, her words, not mine. She also wants it to be known that it is either both of them or none of them. SIKE! Lockdown is over and Petra is, in return, over it. Attention is a strong force in this place full of unstable teenagers and I’m not just talking about Maria.
Marcus finally opens up about Chester and how he didn’t kill everyone in the boy’s home. He even admits they’re running out of time. Finally. Hopefully their group can team up, all 7 of them, to kill one guy. Hasn’t worked yet, but at least that doesn’t stop them from trying.
You can follow along with our coverage of the show here.
DEADLY CLASS airs Wednesday 10/9c on SYFY