DEADLY CLASS: More thoughts on Rise Above
Deadly Class is all new tomorrow and we are still thinking about last week’s episode, “Rise Above”. In fact we did a rewatch and wanted to share some extra thoughts. Okay, a lot of extra thoughts, really more of a stream of consciousness while watching.
Marcus finally realizes that, yes, his past will in fact catch up with him.
Keeping a journal full of things that shouldn’t be written down seems unwise.
Oh sure let’s share it with your soulmate Saya.
Marcus really still wants Saya to fawn all over him even though he is off doing things with Maria. Saya is obviously still jealous, and not hiding it very well.
Having people hold up a table and bookcase does not a dominatrix make.
Saya likes to remind Marcus that Chico dying affects her too… we know Saya, we get it, we understand you are the person who has the most to lose since you killed Chico. Oh no wait……
Nice try trying to get pity from Marcus since Maria is getting all the attention. Maybe due to the fact she is bipolar and you know, actually killed Chico.
Can we call Chester a Furry? I think so.
Marcus, another damn picture of Ronald Reagan?
Back to the boys home….the boys are basically in prison with a rent a cop walking up and down the aisles as the boys make… wallets? So it’s a sweatshop. “The Lord rewards the industrious and punishes the indolent” Where did he come up with that word? Also why does he get to punish if he is not the Lord? Very confusing. Mixed messages are the worst.
Marcus really enjoys talking to himself about how he is going to teach everyone a lesson, but last time I checked, he was on the street homeless being bullied by that murderous homeless man.
Does Marcus even have a plan in place for killing Regan? Seems like that should warrant a discussion, plan of attack, something.
Back to the wallets, while working Marcus is shoving needles into his cheek. His plan? Not sure, but he’s been hoarding then… I could only imagine the infections he would get. Did they give tetanus shots in the 80’s? In weird catholic boys’ homes? Where’s the disinfectant?
Chester is still gross and that is why Marcus has all of the needles. He puts them in a sandwich and gives it to the worst roommate of all time – Chester.
Chester eats the sandwich and starts choking. Marcus announces he poisoned the sandwich. No wonder he is doing so well in the chemistry class at assassin school. He’s a natural.
Marcus, not as dumb as he seems, made a bomb from the instructions in Chester’s anarchist cookbook…where do you find those? The library? Was there internet in the 80’s? Guess what the shrapnel is on the bomb? You guessed it! Needles! I hope the cheek cycst was worth it. You can never eat food on that side of your mouth again, Marcus.
Interestingly enough, the bomb works, the guards and Chester are on fire and covered in needles. Marcus shoots the guards and Chester in the head. He lets the boys in the prison cells free. Unfortunately Chester is still alive though. He kills everyone and burns the building down. But everything was already on fire from the bomb.
Present day Saya having read the journal says they will kill Chester together. Great.

(Photo by: Katie Yu/SYFY)
Chester meanwhile is talking to Chico who is talking back. Ok. Chester is sure he’ll get famous on TV and receive book deals for all the murdering he has done. I don’t think that’s how being a serial killer works…I think you actually get the death sentence, but what do I know. Chico continues to give Chester advice. Nice. Who knew how helpful a head without a body could be.
Maria, still off her medication, is having a hard time controlling herself and everyone can tell somethings up.
Back to Marcus and Saya. Marcus thinks it’s a good idea to pick the lock of that scary narcissist killer that is strapped to his wheelchair. Interesting choice. Especially after Marcus insulted the f*ck out of him earlier. Marcus thinks Mr. Narcissist can track Chester down.
Seriously, is this school doing anything? Where are the how to hunt a killer classes? Welp, Mr Wheelchair is intrigued. Even the narcissistic psychopath hates the fact that Chester is an animal violator. Nice. Brownie points! But first, he has needs too and that’s a carnitas burrito. I understand.
There’s a leash on Mr. Narcissist…I don’t know what that’s going to do, but it works on children so it has to work on psychopaths.
We’re finally eating carnitas!!! And they remind us the man is also a cannibal. Totally forgot that part.
By the way, the leash did not actually work, and they left knives on the table. Mix that with Saya continuing to call Mr. Narcissist names and you have a recipe for disaster. He holds the knife to her throat and lets her know he also has feelings and does not like when people call him names.
Mr. Narcissist drops the knife he picked up, on his own, no thanks to that leash, and wants ice cream. I do not blame him. I also want ice cream.
Back to the dominatrix, she is on to the fact Mr. Linn’s family did not die. Maybe it’s because he smiles when he talks about when his 2 y/o died.
Chester takes baths? While drinking whiskey, smoking cigarettes and taking to Chico. Noted. Chico is really helping Chester purge this emotional trauma. He is a lot nicer when he’s dead…in an ice bucket…with no body…
Chester starts quoting Dick Clark “I gotta get on TV. That will make it all better. Fame heals your insides, Did Dick Clark really say that?
Back to Marcus and Saya. Flirting. Taking about predestined relationships. Hint hint, Marcus. Hint hint.
Maria now has 24 hours to bring Chico’s Dad answers as to who killed his son. That can’t end well.
I hate to admit it, but besides Marcus being kinda hot, the serial killer (absolutely not Chester) is actually very likable. You know, if you can get past the whole serial killer part. Mr. Mohawk, who is also known as the leash carrier, who is also known as the guy who couldn’t even kill his dad correctly, has the gull to call out Mr. Narcissist. The. Gull! “We’ve been walking around for hours. He’s just jerking us around.” Well, that’s how you search for people in the 80’s.
And guess what?! Mr Linn gets caught with his daughter, who is not actually dead, by his psycho sister. A lot of psychos here. I was right btw, she saw through his false grieving because she also lost a child and well. She already resents her brother so why not make him suffer as well.
Mr. Linn is the only reasonable one on this show so of course we have to ruin his life. It’s not fair when everyone else is suffering. I wish that dominatrix would grow up, maybe?
Maria kills Saya’s cousin. The one that got away after the kerfuffle a few weeks back. Maria blames Chico’s death on him. So yes, let’s start a gang war between the Cartels and the Yakuza. Good idea Maria. Good idea. At least Chico’s Dad is super proud.
We’re really getting somewhere here- can’t wait until next week.
You can follow along with our coverage of the show here.
DEADLY CLASS airs Wednesday 10/9c on SYFY