THE ROOKIE Roundtable: Plain Clothes Day

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The Rookie was back with a new episode this week, which focused on:

The rookies are really put to the test when their training officers accompany them out of uniform for Plain Clothes Day, which forces them to make all the decisions while on patrol. Meanwhile, Officer Nolan tries to prove he has been progressing faster than the other rookies to justify his desire of becoming a detective within five years.

Let’s dig into the episode with our new feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):


Roz: I want to be over Bradford’s brand of macho cop so much because it’s such a destructive trope that he normally makes Lucy second guess herself. We as women are more than the men in our lives, in whatever relationship we have with them, but he’s always using his power to make her feel less.

Rueben: I can respect that choice, Roz, but for me stupid was the guy in the beginning, robbing the bank, getting shot at and then landing his helicopter in the street, thinking he wouldn’t get caught. Really? Then there was Chen overlooking the van of that sex offender, Nolan being too cocky and West’s obsession with beating his dad. Overcompensating did them all in this time around.

Leah: Do the criminals on this show seem exceptionally stupid? I’d like to make a blanket statement that we haven’t seen a smart criminal on this show yet. It’s a little tiresome.


Roz: It’s such an odd episode, but I appreciate Bishop telling Nolan how much he should use his empathy and people skills as part of his job; he really is good with people and understanding but he’s trying to be like Bradford’s brand of cop and it won’t work.

Rueben: I really liked that Bishop said to hell with plain clothes day when that woman was in such jeopardy with her husband. I loved how they (she and Nolan) worked so well together to get the better of that abusive husband; and I loved the scene that you mentioned Roz. I really appreciated that she said all that to Nolan. I also thought it was pretty funny that Chen left their bar tab with Bradford!

Leah: I think Bishop is the best kind of TO. She teaches a lesson without the know it all macho bullshit. When you need her help she is there, otherwise she will let you put in the work on your own. 


Roz: West’s obsession with beating his dad’s Plain Clothes Day record; it’s childish to want to be better than your dad, especially when your dad is so well respected and his “shoes” are so big.

Rueben: The whole thing with Nolan having to stay to get that baby back to sleep. It might have been a valuable lesson for him to learn, but it just seemed a bit ridiculous.

Leah: I’ll take some of Roz’s and some of Rueben’s statements.


Roz: I liked how the show handled that use of Lucy’s aggression/aggravation with that one guy to talk about when and how police officers can go too far.

Rueben: I think the rookies all learned some valuable lessons, and perhaps Nolan will notch down his cockiness, Chen will stop second guessing herself and West will try to be the best cop he can be instead of living up to the legend of his father.

Leah: Are they setting up Chen to have a “relationship” with Bradford? I don’t mind their chemistry, but they just got her out of her relationship with Nolan. It would be a sad use of the character if they put her in another relationship with a cop.

THE ROOKIE airs Tuesday 10/9c on ABC

Check out our previous recaps of The Rookie here. If you want to catch up online, the show is available here.

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at