A Million Little Things: The Day Before
On this week’s A Million Little Things:
The day before his death, Jon struggles in his personal and work life; Delilah and Eddie make plans to tell Jon about their secret affair; Maggie attempts to start her new life in Boston.
Join Rueben and Cay as they share their thoughts on this episode:
Wow, we finally got to see the day before from all sides of the story not just Jon; but most importantly Jon. We learned that Jon didn’t have an affair with Ashley [thank you God!]; she kissed him, but he stopped it from going any further. He did love Delilah, but he still made that horrible decision to leave them the way he did.
We learned that Ashley discovered the affair between Eddie and Delilah because of the red light ticket issued to Delilah BEFORE Jon learned about it. It would seem that Eddie and Delilah weren’t as careful as they may have thought. Then Eddie showed up at the dinner that Delilah wanted to have with Jon (the tell-all dinner) because not only was Katherine working late again, but Jon stood his wife up, but was outside the restaurant just as Eddie kissed her hand. Wow!
Jon also explained via his walk down memory lane with Ashley via his photo albums that the apartment was his first apartment and he bought the WHOLE block in order to save it from being torn down. What?! That was a reveal I wasn’t expecting. Did he live there with Barbara Morgan – is that why she seems to be so important to Jon?
How great was it to see Maggie with her dad; and learn that they both like the song “Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M.? That was kind of priceless. But why did she pack up her whole place after her dad left when she just moved in? Either I was misunderstanding what was going on or she just didn’t want to be settled since she wasn’t in remission anymore?
It was so fun seeing how Gary got his dog. What did he think was going to happen when he fed a hungry dog? That the dog wasn’t going to follow him home? But given the “talking down” that Jon gave Gary at their basketball game about never committing to anything, it seemed timely that Gary would finally commit to at least a dog.
Jon really did take care of everyone, but Ashley put a big plug in his plans by not giving Delilah the envelope Jon left behind for her. Why? I really want an answer to that question.
Oh, and I don’t think I would have handle that “grab ass” situation the way that Regina did either with the guy who assaulted her or her boss. I would have reamed into both of them, but then that would’ve, assured, caused even more problems, but it sure would’ve felt good.
I was also glad to see that Jon and Ashley weren’t having an affair, although it might have made me feel a bit better about Eddie and Delilah. OTOH, Jon seemed to take at least some responsibility for it and I like that he left Eddie that message saying he wanted them to be happy.
This episode really showed us how far Gary has come! I like how his transition was already starting, but he seemed to take Jon’s death as motivation to continue it.
Rome really didn’t seem like he was in the place that he would also attempt suicide a day later! Yes, we saw him seeming a bit down after closing the biggest deal of his life, but I don’t think they did a good job laying the groundwork here. They did a better job with Jon, I think.
Speaking of Jon, buying the whole block (is that the block where Gina’s new restaurant is?) to save one apartment just doesn’t make sense. And does he own it all outright, or is Delilah going to find out about it because it’s also in default? What did Jon want Ashley to do with the apartment? Why make her the trustee of the Rutledge account? Who is Barbara and what was in the envelope for her?
As for Maggie, yes, I think she told Gary in an earlier episode that she didn’t want to trouble her family to pack everything after she died. But, it’s crazy to unpack everything just to pack it all up again. For a psychologist, she’s got a lot of issues that she’s avoiding dealing with. Definitely a “do as I say, not as I do” situation.
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand]
RELATED: A Million Little Things: Secrets and Lies
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Watch the next new episode of A Million Little Things on Thursday, January 31 at 9/8c on ABC.